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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Protect Your Home from Severe Thunderstorm Damage | SERVPRO of Westfield

6/17/2024 (Permalink)

lightning strike across stormy purple sky Whether its storm damage cleanup or restoration, SERVPRO of Westfield is ready to respond in a moments notice to your call.
Understanding the Risks and Taking Preventative Measures

Living in an area prone to severe thunderstorms can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking. While the spectacle of lightning illuminating the sky can be mesmerizing, the potential damage it can cause to your home is no joke. As homeowners, it’s essential to be proactive in protecting our properties from the wrath of these powerful natural phenomena.

Assessing Vulnerabilities

Before the storm season kicks into high gear, it’s crucial to assess your home’s vulnerabilities. According to a study by the National Severe Storms Laboratory, strong winds associated with thunderstorms are responsible for a significant portion of property damage in affected areas. SERVPRO of Westfield recommends conducting a thorough inspection of your property to identify weak points such as loose shingles, compromised siding, or overhanging branches that could pose a risk during high winds.

Strengthening Your Defenses

Once you’ve identified potential weak spots, it’s time to shore up your defenses. Reinforcing your roof and securing loose items in your yard can go a long way in minimizing storm-related damage. Research conducted by the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety suggests that investing in impact-resistant roofing materials can significantly reduce the risk of damage during severe weather events. Additionally, installing storm shutters or reinforced garage doors can provide an extra layer of protection for your home.

Partnering with the Experts

While preventative measures can help mitigate the risk of storm damage, sometimes Mother Nature has other plans. In the unfortunate event that your home sustains damage during a severe thunderstorm, it’s essential to have a trusted restoration partner by your side. SERVPRO of Westfield specializes in storm damage restoration and is equipped to handle everything from water extraction to structural repairs. With their expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction, you can rest assured that your home will be in good hands.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Protect your home from severe thunderstorm damage today!

Contact SERVPRO of Westfield to learn more about our storm damage restoration services.

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