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How an Emergency Plan Can Keep Your Business Protected | SERVPRO of Westfield

7/2/2024 (Permalink)

man in suit at computer working on a standard erp SERVPRO of Westfield is Here to Help® your business prepare for disaster with an updated ERP!

As a business owner in this part of Texas, you understand the importance of being prepared for anything. One critical aspect of readiness is having a comprehensive emergency plan. At SERVPRO of Westfield, we know that a well-crafted emergency plan can make the difference between swift recovery and prolonged downtime. Here’s how an emergency plan can keep your business protected, especially from natural disasters common to our area.

The Importance of an Emergency Plan

Natural disasters can strike without warning, causing significant damage and disruption. In Westfield, we are particularly vulnerable to hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes. Having an emergency plan in place ensures that you and your employees know exactly what to do when disaster strikes, minimizing panic and confusion.

Key Elements of an Effective Emergency Plan

Creating an effective emergency plan involves several key components:

1. Risk Assessment

Identify the types of natural disasters that are most likely to impact your business. In Westfield, hurricanes and floods are primary concerns. Understanding these risks helps you tailor your emergency plan to address specific threats.

2. Communication Strategy

Establish a clear communication plan that includes a phone tree, email notifications, and social media updates. Ensure that all employees know how and when to communicate during an emergency.

3. Evacuation Routes and Shelter Locations

Clearly mark evacuation routes and designate safe areas within your building. Regularly conduct drills to ensure everyone is familiar with these procedures.

4. Emergency Supplies

Stockpile essential supplies such as water, non-perishable food, first aid kits, and flashlights. Ensure these supplies are easily accessible in case of an emergency.

5. Data Protection

Regularly back up critical data and store it in a secure, off-site location. This ensures that your business can continue to operate even if physical assets are damaged.

Training and Regular Updates

An emergency plan is only effective if everyone is familiar with it. Conduct regular training sessions and drills to keep your team prepared. Additionally, review and update your plan periodically to account for new risks or changes in your business operations.

Partnering with SERVPRO®

At SERVPRO of Westfield, we specialize in helping businesses prepare for and recover from natural disasters. Our team can assist you in creating an emergency plan tailored to your specific needs. We also offer emergency response services to help you get back on your feet quickly after a disaster.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Protect your business by implementing a comprehensive emergency plan today. By taking these proactive steps, you can ensure that your business remains resilient and capable of weathering any storm. Let us help you stay prepared and protected.

For more information and professional assistance, visit our website SERVPRO of Westfield.

Rebuilding Your Business After a Disaster | SERVPRO of Westfield

2/15/2024 (Permalink)

business man in office talking to female SERVPRO rep SERVPRO of Westfield is here for your business every step of the way, from ERPs to disaster recovery.

Disasters can leave behind damage that affects your home, your office and even your entire neighborhood. After a disaster strikes, you can be left feeling overwhelmed and wondering how to take the next step forward.

Putting our home lives together after a disaster will also be first on the list, but when you own a business, getting back to work is likely just as important. With a plan and our team at SERVPRO of Westfield, you can get back to your regular routine in no time.

Prepare Ahead of Time

In order to get back to work fast after a disaster, you need to have a plan before one can ever strike. When you and your team know what to do before, during and after a flood, fire or storm, you can keep work going with very little interruption.

Communication is one of the most crucial parts of creating a disaster plan. You and your team should be regularly going over your emergency response plan so that it can be enacted simply by saying “go.”

Regularly walk through your building with your employees in order to identify the best escape routes, fire extinguisher location and where the water shut-off valves are. Make sure several people know how to work emergency equipment, and go over the plan to secure your building when a storm is predicted to hit.

In order to get back to work once the major threat is over, ensure your staff knows how and when they are expected to check in. If you are going remote, distribute and check equipment early. If you are utilizing an alternate location, distribute security information and keys in order to eliminate any confusion as work gets started again.

Plan to use several forms of communication in order to keep up with everyone. Some disasters can knock out networks long-term, so be prepared to share information multiple times.

Recover Quickly

When you have enacted a well-rehearsed plan, you can rest a little easier knowing that recovery has begun before you even know the full effect of the disaster. Call our team at SERVPRO® as soon as it is safe, and we will get your physical recovery started right away, day or night.

While work begins on your property, you can start talking to your customers. Share your story across multiple platforms, and be open and honest about your plans to move forward. The more you can communicate with your community, the better.

Throughout recovery, be open and honest with yourself. You will need an open mind and plenty of flexibility in order to get through the disaster smoothly. Adjust your workflow when it is necessary, and remember this isn’t going to last forever.

With a plan and a total restoration team ready to respond the moment you need them, getting your business back on track after a disaster will be simple. Practice for emergencies and communicate well and things will be back to normal faster than you ever thought possible.

Has your business experienced a disaster, or do you want help building an emergency plan? Contact us to find everything you need.

Why Your Business Needs an Emergency Plan | SERVPRO of Westfield

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

clip board with a disaster preparedness checklist and emergency supplies in the background Are you prepared for disaster? SERVPRO of Westfield is here for you when disaster strikes!

Over the last several years, the United States has seen an increase in natural disasters. Not only are they happening more often, but they are also getting stronger and causing more damage in widespread areas.

Even with an overall increase in natural disasters, your business may never see one, or at least one that leaves you dealing with damage. While that will hopefully be true for you, there is always the possibility of manmade disasters striking that leave your business with damage.

It’s important to spend time considering the risks you may face in order to find ways to protect your business against them. By making a plan, you can spend your time focused on growing your brand instead of worrying about disasters.

The Importance of a Plan

As natural disasters continue to become more frequent, creating a plan for your business can mean the difference between life and death. Getting to know what threats you may face can help you stay ahead of any storm, flood or fire that comes your way.

Not only do disasters leave behind incredible amounts of physical damage, but they are also one of the most costly events any business will ever endure. When you have a plan, you are not only protecting yourself and your employees—you are protecting your business’ financial future.

Having a plan in place can also mean you get back to work faster when a disaster strikes that forces you to close short-term. Many businesses that experience a disaster that leaves their doors closed are never able to reopen them. With a plan, you and your team will know how to respond appropriately and keep work going.

An Emergency Ready Plan

In order to create a plan, you have to know where to start. With a single call to our SERVPRO® team, you can get started on creating an Emergency Ready Plan that is personalized to your business needs and starts at the first sign of a problem.

Our team will start creating your plan by performing a total assessment of your business. We will look at your unique risks in order to create the best possible course of action to keep you safe. Our crew will make sure your plan covers what to do before, during and after a disaster strikes.

When a disaster of any kind is predicted to affect your business, you can activate your plan and put your team to work. This may mean some of your staff is packing up important paperwork while others prep your building in order to mitigate damage. Everyone will know what to do as soon as you say “go.”

Communication will also be a central feature of your plan, ensuring that your team stays connected and we stay connected with you. A chain of command will be established so that information is disseminated efficiently and effectively.

As soon as it is safe to do so, our team will be dispatched to your property to start restoration efforts while your team goes back to work, whether on site, remotely or at another designated physical location, all of which will be laid out in your Emergency Ready Plan.

With a SERVPRO Emergency Ready Plan, you get a total package. Your business will be ready to face anything and can avoid potential losses, both physically and financially. Your plan will be made according to your needs, and comes with the backing of a national brand and 247 availability. It’s our goal to get you back to work fast.

Ready to create your Emergency Ready Plan for your business? Contact us for your free assessment to start the plan you need.

Keep Business Running Smoothly by Planning for Severe Weather | SERVPRO of Westfield

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

Business man holding an umbrella and briefcase with a dark thunderstorm behind him. If your home or business was damaged in a storm, call SERVPRO of Westfield to get you back in action.

Proper training is a key part of running a successful business. Not only does this training prepare your employees on their first day, but it also prepares them for the future.

When you think about all the essential kinds of training your team needs, you might overlook something like storm readiness. Since disasters are capable of shutting down the workplace, this is not a topic you and your team can afford to avoid.

To keep your business safe, you’ll need to prepare your Westfield team! Use our guide to help you get started as you introduce storm preparedness in the workplace.

Know Your Risk

Weather threats can come in all sorts of forms, which is why it’s so important to create a plan that prepares your team for every single one. Becoming familiar with Westfield’s most common weather conditions will be extremely helpful as you create your workplace plan.

Westfield is visited by a variety of weather hazards like thunderstorms, tornadoes and occasional flash floods. These conditions cause widespread devastation, damage property and, at times, shut down businesses for good. To keep your building safe from local weather threats, you’ll need to anticipate them.

Looking into your flood risk is never a bad idea when assessing your local weather threats. You can also benefit from tuning into a local network each day to check the forecast and having a reliable source of weather alerts.

Make a Plan to Communicate

Great communication can go a long way when running a business. Not only does this help you create an open and safe environment, but it can also be lifesaving in the event of an unexpected disaster.

Make sure your business has a digital way to communicate inside and outside of the workplace. This can allow you to quickly address concerns and implement necessary measures, even in the middle of a storm!

Plan Your Evacuation

It can be a frightening scenario to face, but you may need to evacuate your building when severe weather is at its worst. Make sure your team is well-informed about evacuation procedures by clearly marking exits and practicing an evacuation drill often.

You should also have a safe spot the whole team can go to if a shelter-in-place order is needed. Identify interior rooms or areas with no windows that can serve as safe spaces during storms or other weather emergencies.

Disaster can be a scary topic to approach in the workplace, but it’ll pay off in the long run! Ensure your Westfield team is prepared to take on weather threats of all kinds by having a stellar plan in place.

Don’t let extreme weather take control! If storms strike your business, SERVPRO® can help you restore your losses.

How to Conduct Fire Extinguisher Training in Your Houston Workplace | SERVPRO® of Westfield

4/21/2023 (Permalink)

"two fire extinguisher hanging on a tan interior wall  Dealing with the aftermath of a commercial fire? SERVPRO of Westfield is your local restoration expert

No matter what type of business you run, you’re bound to have fire extinguishers carefully placed throughout the premises in case of an emergency. If a fire breaks out unexpectedly, your team’s understanding of how to use this vital tool could be the deciding factor in avoiding total disaster.

Workplace fire extinguisher training is a straightforward procedure that can prepare your team to deal with flames as soon as they appear. With a little guidance, you can instruct your team toward a fire-ready Westfield workplace!

Use our guide to arm your Westfield team with the tools they need to keep the chaos under control during a commercial fire emergency.

Start With the Fundamentals

OSHA mandates that businesses that have fire extinguishers need to instruct their commercial team on the correct way to utilize them. This will involve hands-on training paired with useful information on when to use them and the various kinds of extinguishers that are available.

Begin by teaching your staff members how to hold and aim the nozzle. Inform them to pull the pin, squeeze the handle and sweep over the flames after they’ve gotten the first step down. Notify them to remain six to eight feet away from the blaze while using the extinguisher.

Introduce the PASS acronym as a clever way to help your employees remember these steps when a crisis unfolds. Making fire extinguisher training a yearly event in the workplace is another way to help your team remember these important instructions.

Assigning roles will be most effective in keeping this lifesaving tool in the hands of experienced staff. Select the most well-trained members to be in charge of the extinguishers when the time comes to use them.

There’s a Time and a Place

Ensure your staff is aware of the distinct fire hazards located throughout your workplace that could require the help of a fire extinguisher. Go over any distinct situations or specific dangers that could lead to a fire alongside the type of extinguisher needed for every scenario. There are many different types of extinguishers, and you don’t want your team reaching for the wrong one when a fire is raging!

The most crucial point to make during your training is to know when a fire has escalated beyond the use of a single extinguisher. Although this tool can be a game-changer for businesses, some fire emergency situations can quickly get out of hand, making it risky to fight the flames alone.

Tell your staff to retreat, find safety and notify emergency personnel if a fire incident gets out of hand.

The fundamentals may appear insignificant at first, but they are the foundation of a fire-safe Westfield workplace. After you’ve mastered the hands-on fire extinguisher training, you can begin implementing a complete safety strategy to ensure every fire emergency is handled with grace!

Dealing with the aftermath of a commercial fire? Our SERVPRO specialists can restore your losses and return your workplace to its pre-fire condition.

Take Control of Commercial Water Damage to Protect Your Business | SERVPRO® of Westfield

10/20/2022 (Permalink)

a zoomed in view of a wooden floor showing signs of water damage SERVPRO of Westfield are your local commercial restoration company. We will always be here to help and get you back in business

Water damage can strike out of the blue and have a devastating impact on your workplace.

Commercial water damage can be an expensive mess for business owners. Internal flood sources like a leaky pipe or plumbing overflow can result in unexpected downtime, ruined equipment and compromised infrastructure. Natural sources of flooding are another unpredictable reason you might find water seeping into your commercial building.

Westfield businesses should prepare for local natural flooding threats like torrential rain, hurricanes, tropical storms and other weather conditions. The best way to get ready for these hazards is to assess your risk level based on where your building is located.

Whatever the cause of your water emergency, it’s critical that you understand how to react to safeguard your company. This guide can help you understand how to quickly get the problem under control and reduce your risk of damage as much as possible.

Know Your Building’s Layout

Figure out where the various water cutoff points are around your building. Make sure you understand where to find important places like your fire sprinkler system or your main water valve so you can shut them off when necessary.

It’s helpful if multiple members of your team know this information as well, so any emergency can be kept under control. This will ensure the source of your water emergency is found quickly to keep your building safe from any damage.

Know the Types of Water Involved

When faced with water damage, the kind of water produced can help you assess how dangerous the incident is. You’ll be better able to protect the people in your building if you understand what you’re up against:

White water: Plumbing issues are generally to blame for this kind of flooding. You can safely manage this water yourself in small quantities since it’s not regarded as contaminated.

Gray water: This kind of water is caused by overflowing toilet tanks and sink drains. Although it is contaminated, the water is not recognized as hazardous.

Black water: Black water that is severely contaminated is typically produced by sewage overflows and storm flooding. You should contact a professional to take care of this hazardous water.

Take Action Quickly

When water infiltrates your property, attempt to pinpoint the source and turn it off as fast as possible. To speed up the drying process, open your doors and windows. After this, notify anyone in the building and let them know that the impacted areas are off-limits.

Following these measures, you need to closely record any obvious property damage. This will make the insurance claim process much faster, and you’ll be able to determine which areas of your structure require reinforcement.

Remember to Be Patient

The apparent water damage might be only a small portion of an even larger issue. Your building might have hidden water damage in places you can’t see.

When water creates problems in your workplace, contact SERVPRO of Westfield for a rapid response. Our skilled restoration crew can quickly dry out your facility and get you back on track using cutting-edge equipment and years of expertise.

The degree of destruction will influence how long your restoration journey will last, so try to be patient as our team restores your building. You and your team will be back to a water-free business in no time!

When disaster strikes your commercial property, we’ll be there to help clean up and get you back in business quickly. Reach out 247 to get started!

What Are the Most Common Causes of Workplace Damage? | SERVPRO® of Westfield

6/16/2022 (Permalink)

a large commercial building with extensive damage to roof and siding SERVPRO of Westfield is your local commercial disaster team. Contact us to learn more about our commercial damage restoration services.

When it comes to managing a commercial operation, business owners bear a great deal of responsibility. They are always busy, whether tending to customers or managing personnel.

And there are other items on their plates, too—workplace emergencies are something that all business owners will face at some point while running their company.

Businesses are the backbone of our country, and when one is impacted by an emergency such as a natural disaster, it affects everyone. Unfortunately, events like this have the ability to permanently shut down companies.

Every year, natural disasters wreak devastation in parts of the United States. According to the NCEI, the country has suffered an annual average of $153 billion in damages As natural disasters become more common, this number will only rise.

Tornadoes, floods, severe storms and even hurricanes are all potential weather hazards in Westfield. Hurricane Harvey wreaked havoc on Westfield in 2017. Many businesses were forced to close as a result of the hurricane’s destruction.

We’ve included some information about the most typical causes of a workplace damage below.

Water Damage

Water damage can appear in a number of places within your business. Whether caused by the weather or a plumbing leak, these types of damages can be quite costly to your company.

Flash floods can occur as a result of severe weather or when dams break. Flood water can suddenly flood your property, causing harm to anything it comes into contact with. Determine if your business is in a flood zone and monitor weather conditions in flood-prone locations.

Leaks in your building due to something like an appliance failure may appear insignificant at first, but they can soon escalate into a major issue. Check for leaks near any equipment that uses water and maintain your plumbing to ensure no leaks occur. Checking for leaks before they become a problem can save your property from mold and structural damage.

Storm Damage

Storms can be devastating to businesses, leaving owners with damage that must be repaired. Some storms are so severe that businesses are never able to reopen. Strong winds can inflict irrevocable damage to your property during severe storms.

Wind gusts of 10 to 15 mph are common during storms, but severe storms can produce dangerous wind speeds of up to 100 mph. The strong gusts produce a 100-mile destruction path that can uproot trees and pull buildings’ roofs off.

Before a storm, inspect your building for any hazards that could be picked up by strong winds and hit your property during a storm. Check for any cracks or breaches in your building and get them sealed to keep the outside weather out.

Know Who to Call

Commercial damage can be detrimental to both business owners and the surrounding community. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to ensure that your commercial property is prepared to withstand any crisis.

Our team at SERVPRO can promptly respond to any storm or water damage emergency. We can come up with a plan and get your facility restored in no time, no matter how severe the damage is!

If you have experienced damage to your business or want to learn more about our commercial damage restoration services, contact us today. We’re here to act fast, 247.

You’ve Found Your New Business Partner | SERVPRO® of Westfield

3/18/2022 (Permalink)

As a manager or owner of a business, you are well aware of the inherent difficulties in ensuring efficient operations. It’s realistic to assume that you’ll need the assistance of every available hand to keep afloat.

Businesses like yours are often forced to permanently shut their doors as a result of downtime or financial losses sustained as a result of a property damage incident. But when your firm needs cleaning and restoration services in the Houston area, you already have a trusted business partner on hand.

SERVPRO has the training, equipment and expertise to handle a wide variety of commercial cleaning and restoration requirements. It’s like you have a hidden business partner that oversees a huge chunk of your operations.

Large Loss Recovery. Fires, storms and flooding are among the most frequent causes of financial loss for businesses across the U.S., and they have the potential to cause considerably more damage if fast action is not taken. When you call SERVPRO, you are contacting a team of highly trained professionals who are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to deliver proven emergency services and aid you in rapidly and thoroughly recovering your footing after a disaster.

Emergency Ready Plan. If your organization is prepared, recovery efforts can begin even before a tragedy occurs. We can assist you in determining the most effective reaction by creating an Emergency Ready Plan that can be launched immediately in the case of an emergency. You may need an emergency chain of command, alternative meeting or workplaces, or a number of other requirements, and we’ll set you up with a single button press that starts all of these preparations.

Cleaning of All Kinds. We offer a solution for any kind of cleaning need, from trauma scene cleanup and safe biohazard removal to everyday cleaning and restoration needs such as carpet and upholstery cleaning. We’ve worked in this business for a long time and have seen and cleaned just about everything.

Restoration Services. Flash flooding can swoop through during a severe storm. The interns may unintentionally start a fire. A ruptured water main might result in water damage. All of these situations need cleaning and restoration, which is what SERVPRO does best. You can count on us to restore the spark to your business after a property damage event.

Industry Specialization. We can help businesses in any industry since we have spent decades developing a knowledge of their particular requirements. We are prepared to take on any cleaning or restoration job your company may have, regardless of how unusual or particular it might be.

Whatever your recovery need may be, and whatever your commercial property may require, trust SERVPRO to get the job done. Contact us today to get started on an Emergency Ready Plan or find out how we can serve your business.

Is Your Company Prepared for a Disaster? | SERVPRO® of Westfield

2/17/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO employee standing in office next to a person reviewing plans If the day comes where your business is hit with disaster or emergency, you can rest assured SERVPRO of Westfield will be there to help.

Running a company is like balancing on a tightrope. You must strike a balance between staffing, payroll and keeping up with an ever-changing environment, all while competing in the marketplace and attempting to promote properly on social media. It is a full-time gig.

Scratch that—running a company is often an overtime gig. To get to this point, you’ve put in a lot of time and work. But if disaster strikes, are you prepared?

It only takes one disastrous event to completely derail a business. According to FEMA, 40 percent of small businesses are unable to reopen after a natural disaster, and a large percentage of those that do reopen shut down within a year.

With the economic horizon looming in the shadows of pandemic shutdowns as well as uncertainty about the future, it’s more crucial than ever for small companies to have a solid disaster plan in place. But three-quarters of all small firms do not have a strategy in place, which has to change.

SERVPRO of Westfield is delighted to assist companies in the area in building an Emergency Ready Plan. We can help you in determining what steps to take in the aftermath of a disaster event depending on your location and industry.

You’ll know the procedure from beginning to end, from the disaster damage restoration process to data recovery. If your company ever experiences a crisis, your plan will be ready to get to work right away to minimize delay and effect. You and your team will know who to call, what to do, when to do it, alternate inventory solutions, work locations and pretty much everything else.

To avoid making your business journey even more difficult than it currently is, plan ahead. Allow the SERVPRO specialists in our area to help you get prepared to bounce back with an Emergency Ready Plan. It might be the deciding factor in whether or not your company survives a disruption.

When your business is ready to prioritize planning and safety to prevent extended downtime, contact SERVPRO to get the Emergency Ready Plan underway from the folks who know all there is to know about disaster and recovery.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaning in North Houston

2/17/2022 (Permalink)

Folded template card Higher standard of clean

Deep Commercial Cleaning in North Houston 

Since the Coronavirus outbreak, we have been steadily busy working with our commercial clients to ensure that their staff is safe to work in a pathogen-free environment. SERVPRO has been in the cleaning industry since 1967. In all the years we have learned some really great ways to ensure that a commercial building in Atlanta is cleaned properly. The CDC is constantly updating the proper cleaning guideline as they are finding out. We want our customers to know that we will continue to stay on top of the latest news regarding Covid19.

Commercial Cleaning Services

We offer a wide array of cleaning services to our Houston residents. We pride ourselves on being the go-to company for commercial cleaning as well as restoration. We have all the equipment ready to clean any job large or small. 

SERVPRO Commercial Cleaning Services:

  1. Air Ducts and HVAC
  2. Biohazard and Sewage
  3. Trauma and Crime Scene
  4. Carpet and Upholstery
  5. Drapes and Blinds
  6. Ceilings, Walls, and Hard Floors
  7. Odor Removal and Deodorization
  8. Vandalism

Covid19 Cleaning 

When it comes to cleaning a building specifically for coronavirus and other pathogens we follow our unique 3 C’s:

  • Consult: A certified cleaning trained professional knows that not all businesses are the same. A trained professional at SERVPRO of Westfield will come out and take a look and tailor a cleaning program based on the unique needs of your Atlanta facility.

  • Clean: Once the person in charge agrees on the plan, an expert deep clean will be initiated using our proprietary EPA-Approved Hospital-Grade cleaning solutions. We are always adhering to the leading level of cleaning and decontamination standards set by the CDC.

  • Certify: You’ll know a business is Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned by the shield posted on their front window. Along with digital emblems and other collateral, this beacon represents their commitment to the comfort and security of their employees, customers, and community.

After Commercial Cleaning 

Trust us when we say that we care about the commitment and security of your employees, customers, and community. We serve Houston and the surrounding cities. We want you to feel comfortable knowing that we live by the saying "we are only as good as our last job."

We Go Above and Beyond

Hiring a professional service means you are getting experience, expertise, and professional cleaning tools that can clean your space to the highest standard. It might catch you off guard on the number of different services that we offer. If you have any questions regarding our Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned program please feel free to call our office at 281-907-0018. 

Re-open your Business Faster with Professional Restoration

6/11/2021 (Permalink)

Come in we're open sign We understand the dangers of fire damages and the need for rapid response to your business property. We will have you back to business in no time.

SERVPRO Helps Houston Businesses with Commercial Fire Damage Restoration All Year Round

A commercial fire can impact your bottom line. Restoring a business involves cleaning soot or soiling, tackling odor problems, and replacing damaged materials beyond repair. 

SERVPRO offers expert advice and assistance to businesses with commercial fire damage in Houston, TX. We tailor our approach to your business premises' unique requirements and design by communicating effectively and pre-testing materials. Pre-testing incorporates cleaning tests, acidity testing soils, and applying cleaning products to discrete areas of potentially sensitive materials. By conducting a thorough pre-test before engaging in restoration activities, our services can ensure commercial restoration efficiency. 

  • Identifying wet and dry smoke stains in the property safeguards contents and structure against cleaning agents and chemicals' potentially damaging impact. 
  • Using pH paper to test acidity levels of soiling guides technicians on cleaning agents' right composition for the beast results. 
  • No two fires are the same. A multi-tiered, informed approach to restoring business premises' contents or structure is essential to a successful restoration. 

Bring your business to its preloss condition with the help of professional technicians. Contact SERVPRO of Westfield for commercial restoration at  (281) 907-0018.

3 Helpful Tips for Roof Repair

6/11/2021 (Permalink)

Three Things You Want To Know About Fire Cleanup

If your business in Houston, TX, has suffered roof damage as a result of a fire, you may find yourself looking for tips on how to go about a fire cleanup. Here are three things you may want to know.

1. Protect the Damaged Area

It is important to protect any damaged areas to your company property until repairs can be made. You may want to consider boarding over the damage or taking advantage of tarp services offered by your local fire restoration company. Doing so can help prevent inclement weather from making any damage worse, as well as prevent wild animals from getting into the property.

2. Contact a Professional

It's often recommended that a fire cleanup be conducted by a professional restoration service. This is largely due to the fact that a fire can cause a number of types of damage, and that these professionals have the tools and knowledge to look for and repair any related damages along with the original problem. A restoration service may also be able to communicate with your insurance company in order to provide them with information they may need to process your claim.

3. Understand Possible Related Damage

In many cases the initial damage caused by fire can lead to additional problems, and it's important to understand this when dealing with a fire restoration. After a fire you may be looking at water damage and flooding, as well as roof repair, smoke damage, and potential mold problems. Understanding that these issues can be related to a fire can help you take the appropriate safety and clean up steps.

When conducting a fire cleanup at your place of business it's important to remember these three things. Protect any damage areas against further damage until repairs can be made. Contact a local fire restoration company in order to have repairs completed as quickly as possible. Understand any damages related to fire such as water damage or flooding so that proper clean-up procedures can be taken.

It’s Hurricane Season – Take Steps to Prevent Water Damage

6/11/2021 (Permalink)

Hurricane rainfall presents an opportunity for water damage to your property. Leaks and floods can cause damage to your property and require that you temporarily move out of your building while it’s restored. This presents a challenge as you want to get back to business as usual as soon as possible! Furthermore, severe leaks can lead to floods which can increase your risk of exposure to mold, chemical hazards, injuries, and more.

Fortunately, these inconveniences are preventable! Whether your water emergency occurs in an office building or big box store, it is imperative that you take measures to prevent leaks and damage to your property. Keep a look out for the following:

Damaged Windows

Water can seep through windows that aren’t properly sealed. This can cause mold build-up and damage to walls. Because caulk, the material that’s often used to seal windows, breaks down over time, be sure to have your windows resealed regularly.

Broken Pipes

Changes in pressure throughout the year and cold weather can cause pipes to break and burst. Although there are some tell-tell signs of this issue, such as water stains on walls or floors or an unpleasant and musty smell, detecting leaky pipes is challenging. With that said, it’s best to consult a professional to help determine whether your property has broken pipes.

HVAC Problems

Hurricane season often coincides with colder temperatures so we crank up the heat! However, ducts in the HVAC system can get worn out and damaged over time, especially during seasons like this, and cause leaks. For that reason, the system needs to be cleaned regularly and any water in it needs to be removed. Like broken pipes, it’s sometimes difficult to determine whether your HVAC system is causing a leak, so it’s best to consult a professional.

One of the best ways to get ahead is to create an Emergency Ready Profile. This is an immediate plan of action for how to restore your building after a disaster and get back to business. Additionally, we have 360 degree technology to document preloss conditions, including your equipment and where it was before disaster struck.

Water Damage in Commercial Buildings

6/8/2021 (Permalink)

Flooded Area in commercial building If your Commercial building suffers water damage, call SERVPRO of Westfield (281) 907-0018.

Commercial water damage is a severe issue that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Water damage can be caused by a variety of factors, including broken windows, roof leaks, busted pipes, sewage clogs, HVAC leaks, and sprinkler system leaks.

Fortunately, water damage can be avoided by installing a flood monitoring system, purchasing flood insurance, and performing regular property inspections and facility maintenance.

If you notice evidence of water damage in your commercial building, contact your local SERVPRO as soon as possible. By addressing the source of the problem, water damage can be prevented from getting any worse.

Detecting Water Damage

Leaks can be caused either suddenly as in the case of bursting pipes, which can be detected instantly, or gradually by a hose or pipe leaking slowly over a period of time. Underground leaks are another common problem. To find out if you business has a water leak look for the following signs:

  • Do you hear the sound of running water?
  • Are any wet areas or running water visible?
  • Can you detect an unusual drop in water pressure?

If you find yourself answering in the affirmative to any of these questions in Houston and the surrounding areas, there is a good chance of an undetected water leak in your business. SERVPRO® of Westfield can come to your place of business and check for moisture in your walls, floors and ceiling.  If you do in fact have a water leak, we will be able to successfully help with the structural drying of your business.

For more information on the services that SERVPRO® of Westfield provides regarding water and fire damage cleanup for your commercial structures, please visit or call: or call today at (281) 907-0018

Distinctive Challenges of Restoring Commercial Property

5/22/2020 (Permalink)

Here at SERVPRO of Westfield, we know that being inoperable due to water, storm or fire damage can be harmful to your business. Damage to property is something that no one wants, but often occurs and that is where we come in to help.

Water damage and flooding at Houston commercial properties often come with numerous issues, sometimes unseen, that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether dealing with a proportionately small cleanup scenario or a large-scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area to prevent further destruction. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility so you can be up an running again.

SERVPRO of Westfield has trained professionals who are mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working with your budgetary constraints. Here we understand that every moment spent cleaning can cause lost revenue, so when and emergency arises in your business, give us a call and we'll be there fast with the help you need.

Please call SERVPRO of Westfield at:
(281) 907-0018, or visit our website at

Water Removal From Carpeting in Commercial Buildings

5/22/2020 (Permalink)

All commercial properties serve as centers for specific activities, so much so that even a small disaster can limit your availability to customers. Water loss incidents, in particular, can spread quickly throughout affected areas and require immediate attention from qualified restoration specialists. Though you might have custodial staff that manages your entire building, they may not have the expertise and training to manage the water damage within the building structures.

Inadequate cleaning and management of water loss situation can lead to microbial threats or material degradation, both of which can result in the likelihood of replacing damaged materials and floors, and a costlier restoration. Getting water professionally removed has the potential to save you time and money along with preventing future problems from the previous situation.

Fast responses of qualified professionals like our SERVPRO team can help preserve and protect carpeted office spaces. Carpets can quickly absorb water, so drying out these flooring options requires an array of sophisticated tools and practices, beginning with extraction. Our SERVPRO team seeks to preserve instead of unnecessarily replacing materials, which makes drying out the carpet a critical step.

It is our job to get you back in business and here at SERVPRO of Westfield we have technicians ready to respond 24/7 to meet your needs. This all starts with an effective plan to reduce moisture and dry out damaged areas to make it look new.

Give our SERVPRO of Westfield team a call today:

(281) 907-0018, or visit our website at


1/11/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Westfield means business.

When it comes to servicing the retail property, whether you need cleaning for a commercial office or require industrial cleaning, your local SERVPRO is available. If ever the need for professional cleaning or emergency restoration services arises, we have trained and trustworthy professionals you can depend on. When wear and tear, odor, grime, and moisture challenges go beyond the ability of your regular janitorial staff, SERVPRO of Westfield is one phone call away.

Prices of lost revenue in the event of a disastrous fire, flood, or mold problem that closes your doors can add up quickly. SERVPRO of Westfield understands the urgency of minimizing business interruptions while keeping recovery costs low. We provide 24-hour emergency response cleanup and restoration services. It is the goal of SERVPRO of Westfield to get you back in business quickly with minimal interruptions to you and your business.

For more information on the services that SERVPRO® of Westfield provides, regarding water, mold, and fire damage cleanup for your commercial structures, please visit or call:

Call SERVPRO of Westfield (281) 907-0018


Higher Standard of Carpet Cleaning For Your Houston, TX Business

1/3/2019 (Permalink)

Commercial carpets are a big investment, especially when you have heavy foot traffic. There are heavy duty carpets designed for such situations, but properly taking care of them is often necessary. Here at SERVPRO of Westfield we are well equipped to aid with the upkeep of your carpet cleaning regularly. Apart from vacuuming the carpet regularly, your commercial carpet should also be deep cleaned. This allows you to keep it looking professional and well-kept, along with extending its life.

When customers walk into your business, a clean, healthy carpet sets the first impression and should provide a safe environment for the employees. Over time airborne particles and other dirt can gather within the carpets. Besides aesthetics, keeping a clean carpet also helps provide healthy indoor air quality for everyone.

How often should my carpet be cleaned?

Carpets cleaning varies based on environment. It is often typical we notice commercial carpets that only need to be considered for cleaning no less than two to three times a years. Nevertheless, commercial carpets should be cleaned if you start to notice buildup of dirt. A clean fresh carpet, that looks it's best, contributes to a healthier environment and sets a great impression to customers by enhancing the overall appearance.

Schedule An Appointment

Call SERVPRO of Westfield (281) 907-0018

Professional Cleaning Services for Your Houston, TX Commercial Property

10/26/2018 (Permalink)

Whether Large or Small, SERVPRO of Westfield Can Handle The Job For You

When it comes to commercial property, we’re here to take care of business. Whether it’s from a source of damage, or just wear and tear over a period of time, your appearance speaks volumes to your clients. So when the need arises for professional cleaning, why not depend on trained and trustworthy professionals? SERVPRO of Westfield has been helping retail and commercial businesses since 2007.

If a disastrous fire, flood or mold problem closes your doors, the price tag of lost revenue can add up quickly. Sometimes a good painting or a thorough cleaning could make all of the difference that you need. Your local SERVPRO of Westfield understands the urgency of minimizing business interruptions while keeping recovery costs low. By providing 24-hour emergency response and cleanup and restoration services, as well as expert cleaning services that reach beyond the range of your janitorial staff, it is the job of your local SERVPRO of Westfield to get you back in business quickly and with minimal interruption to you or your customers.

For more information on the services that SERVPRO® of Westfield provides regarding complete cleanup for your commercial structures, please visit or (281) 907-0018.  Also follow us on Twitter @SERVPROWstfield and on Facebook

Commercial Building: Water Damage Detection

10/23/2018 (Permalink)

Even on your lunch break, give SERVPRO of Westfield a call, we're here to help (281) 907-0018.

Being the owner of a commercial property in Houston, TX and the surrounding areas, you will likely be responsible for maintaining its pipework including repairs if things go wrong. Since most office buildings and businesses remain unoccupied at night and on weekends, the potential for water damage can be very high on these premises.

Detecting Water Damage

Leaks can be caused either suddenly as in the case of bursting pipes, which can be detected instantly or gradually by a hose or pipe leaking slowly over a period of time. Underground leaks are another common problem. To find out if your business has a water leak look for the following signs:

  • Do you hear the sound of running water?
  • Are any wet areas or running water visible?
  • Can you detect an unusual drop in water pressure?

If you find yourself answering yes to any of these questions in Houston, TX and the surrounding areas, there is a good chance of an undetected water leak present at your business. SERVPRO® of Westfield is available to come out to your place of business and check for moisture in your walls, floors, and ceiling. If you do in fact have a water leak, we will be able to successfully help with the structural drying of your business.

For more information on the services that SERVPRO® of Westfield provides regarding water, mold or fire damage cleanup for your commercial structures, please visit us at:

Follow us on Twitter @SERVPROWstfield

And Facebook:

Give us a call - We're here to help (281) 907-0018.

SERVPRO of Westfield Quickly Arrives To a Water Damaged Commercial Building

10/16/2018 (Permalink)

A Houston, TX business can depend on SERVPRO of Westfield to arrive quickly to a location to help lessen the time of being shut down whether for a day, a week, or longer due to water damage. The water damage, especially if it is contaminated, must be removed quickly, preferably professionally. It helps to reduce the amount of damage, and aids in the turnaround time for business closure. Here at SERVPRO of Westfield we are here to help companies make sure they can stay open and get back to business faster; with less down time and loss of revenue.
When a commercial building must shut down due to water damage, their first priority is to reopen to support their customers, employees, and owners. SERVPRO of Westfield got a call from the facilities manager of a Houston, TX commercial building, regarding water damage due to seeping flood water. We arrived promptly and began with a quick inspection to confirm the complete area of water damage. 
In this particular commercial building, majority of the office consisted of carpeted area. Our technicians used an extraction wand to draw out nearly all of the water. We set up dehumidifiers to draw the damp air outside. We installed air movers at key points to force warm, dry air across the floors and walls. Our technicians directed and controlled the level of this air flow to prevent additional damage while drying out the building. 

If disaster should ever strike your business make sure to call SERVPRO of Westfield, we are here to help you get back to business as quickly as possible.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 We’re Just One Call Away (281) 907-0018

Follow us on Twitter @SERVPROWstfield

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Restoring Your Houston Commercial Property After A Water Damage Event

6/18/2018 (Permalink)

Commercial Business in Houston, TX


Flooding and water damage events at Houston commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

About SERVPRO of Westfield

SERVPRO of Westfield specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.