Recent Fire Damage Posts

Staying Fire Safe: Essential Tips for Grilling Outdoors | SERVPRO of Westfield

6/3/2024 (Permalink)

burgers over open flame grill Gather around the grill, but don't forget about fire safety! Follow these tips from SERVPRO of Westfield to ensure a fun and safe night.
Fire Up Your Grill, Not Your Worries

As the weather warms up and the days grow longer, there’s nothing quite like firing up the grill and enjoying a delicious meal outdoors. But before you get your barbecue party started, it’s crucial to prioritize safety, both for yourself and your home. With SERVPRO of Westfield by your side, you can ensure a summer filled with fun and flavor, without any unwanted fire hazards.

Understanding the Risks

According to the National Fire Protection Association, grilling fires cause an annual average of 10,200 home fires, resulting in millions of dollars in property damage and countless injuries. The majority of these incidents occur between May and August, highlighting the importance of staying vigilant during the peak grilling season.

Preparing Your Outdoor Cooking Space

Before you even think about firing up the grill, take a few moments to assess your outdoor cooking space. Ensure that your grill is placed on a stable surface away from any flammable materials, such as overhanging branches or wooden decks. Keep a fire extinguisher nearby and designate a safe zone for children and pets to prevent accidents.

Practicing Safe Grilling Techniques

When it comes to grilling safely, knowledge is key. Make sure to clean your grill regularly to prevent grease buildup, which can increase the risk of flare-ups. Always supervise the grill while it’s in use and never leave it unattended. And remember, never use gasoline or other flammable liquids to ignite the flames—opt for a long-handled lighter instead.

Celebrate Safely with SERVPRO®

At SERVPRO of Westfield, we understand the importance of keeping your home and family safe all year round. That’s why we’re here to provide you with expert tips and resources to help you grill with confidence. From fire damage restoration to emergency cleanup services, we’ve got you covered.

Get Grilling with Confidence

This summer, don’t let fire safety take a backseat to outdoor fun. With the right precautions and a little help from SERVPRO of Westfield, you can enjoy delicious grilled meals without worrying about potential risks. Stay informed, stay prepared, and most importantly, stay safe.

Let’s make this grilling season one to remember—for all the right reasons.

Visit SERVPRO of Westfield to learn more about fire safety and how we can help restore your home.

How to Stay Toasty and Safe | SERVPRO of Westfield

1/16/2024 (Permalink)

brick chimney with lit fire logs Fire safety is a top priority for us at SERVPRO of Westfield this winter. Keep your home safe with these helpful tips!

Even in our mostly warm climate, when winter fully sets in, we all love a good blanket and a crackling fire. When the temperatures drop, keeping our homes warm is crucial, but it also leaves us vulnerable to fires.

The number of fires goes up considerably in the winter, and many of them are due to the improper use of heating devices. The good news is that with some simple steps toward safety, you can be as cozy as you like when the cold sets in.

Addressing Your Fireplace

There is nothing quite as relaxing as the sights, sounds and smells of a fire in the fireplace. Fireplaces are a great way to heat your home, especially if the power goes out, but they can also be dangerous when used improperly. Clean, wood-burning fireplaces after every use, including removing all ash and debris. Chimneys should be inspected yearly by a professional and cleaned of any buildup.

Don’t keep flammable materials near your fireplace, including anything you put on your mantle. Dust is highly flammable, so keep things clean. For electric or gas fireplaces, check the connections every few months to avoid potential leaks. Make sure you have a smoke detector and a carbon monoxide detector in the room with your fireplace.

Space Heater Safety

Space heaters are a great choice for only warming a single room, which is a great way to warm up when the mornings are cold but the afternoons are hot. Space heaters come with a lot of risks, though, and yearly are responsible for nearly 1,700 house fires.

Always run your space heaters on a flat surface away from anything flammable. Check the cord for signs of wear and tear before you plug it in, and always plug directly into the wall. Take protective steps to keep your pets at least three feet away from your heater when it is running, and teach kids to stay away as well.

When you are cold, it can be tempting to put your heater right next to you, but avoid getting it too close to any furniture, rugs or curtains. Always turn space heaters off before you leave the room especially when it is time to call it a night.

Suggested Safety Features for Your Space Heater

While there are a lot of options for space heaters on the market, there are a few particular safety features you want to make sure anything you use has. That might mean if your current heaters haven’t been replaced in a while, it is time for an upgrade.

Look into the manufacturer you are purchasing from to ensure they are certified. Space heaters should go through a decent amount of testing before they are sold to ensure they are safe in most scenarios. Only use space heaters that come with automatic shut-off features. They should turn off when they are bumped, knocked over or have run for too long.

Cords on your heater need to be long enough to run in an open space. Six feet is generally reliable. Make sure it is well-made and feels heavy duty. Never use an extension cord or power strip with a space heater.

By paying your fireplace and space heaters a little extra attention, you can keep things cozy and warm without fear. If something does happen in your home, it only takes a call to our SERVPRO of Westfield office to get smoke, soot or other fire damage handled quickly.

A quick fire damage restoration is just a phone call away. Call SERVPRO® for immediate assistance.

Have a Holly, Jolly Fire-Free Holiday Season | SERVPRO of Westfield

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

pan on kitchen counter in residence ablaze while unattended Fire damage in your home? Not for long with SERVPRO of Westfield on the case!

The holidays are finally back again, which means family time and delicious food. No matter how or when you celebrate, time in the kitchen is likely going to be required. Whether you are the cook or not, keep safety a priority.

The number of house fires goes up every year during the holidays, and a large number of them start in the kitchen. When you prioritize safety, you can cook the incredible meals (or just eat them) and rest easy knowing your home is safe.

Reducing Flammable Materials in the Kitchen

In order to keep things safe, a little bit of preparation can go a long way. Clearing out the clutter in your kitchen is a great way to prevent the spread of fire.

Remove flammable items like oven mitts, towels and pot holders. While you cook, make sure to put them down far away from any heat sources. Don’t store wooden utensils on the stove, either; instead keep them a safe distance away. It only takes a single pop of grease or a small spark to start a fire.

Pay attention to what you are wearing as well when you head into the kitchen to make the holiday meal. Avoid hanging strings, flowing fabric or anything dangling. Put the fun sweater on after you finish the meal in order to keep everything safe.

Keep a Close Eye on Food

The best way to stay safe while you cook is to stay in the kitchen the whole time. When a fire starts, it can spread fast. If you are not in the room to take quick action, your whole kitchen can go up in flames before you get back. Kitchen fires spread incredibly fast.

If you are planning on deep-frying a turkey, you will need to be extra cautious in order to prevent a disaster. Don’t overfill the fryer, and make sure it is on a level surface away from flammable materials.

Follow the manufacturer guidelines, and thaw your turkey completely. A frozen turkey can cause an explosion, and a partially frozen turkey can cause large grease splatters that present burn and fire hazards.

Install Protective Measures

We may not be able to stop all fires, but the more safety steps you take, the safer your home will be. Make sure your home has plenty of protective measures in order to lower your risks as well.

There should be a smoke detector on every level of your home, including one in or near your kitchen. Check the batteries regularly, including before you head into the kitchen to cook the holiday meal.

Keep a small fire extinguisher near your kitchen as well. You can even teach older kids how to use it in order to ensure that quick action can always be taken if a disaster strikes. When you cook, be sure to keep lids at arms’ reach to be able to quickly smother grease fires.

Make your holiday season a safe one. If you do experience fire damage in your home, call us. We can restore your home quickly, day or night. We make it our goal to get your home put back together so you can get back to celebrating the rest of the season.

House fires can happen in the blink of an eye. Contact us for a quick restoration day or night!

A Fire-Free Summer BBQ Experience | SERVPRO of Westfield

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

Man holding tongs above grill preparing food outdoors Have you had a barbeque gone wrong? Call SERVPRO of Westfield to get your space back in shape.

As summertime approaches in Houston, we eagerly anticipate the hot, sunny days and outdoor get-togethers with our family and friends.

To avoid dangerous circumstances and potential fires, it is essential to put grilling safety first. Are in the know about grilling safety basics? Our SERVPRO of Westfield team fills you in on the essentials below.

Optimal Grill Setup

When it comes to grilling safety, the first thing to do is find a safe location for your grill. Ensure it is placed outside, away from enclosed spaces like garages or roof overhangs. It’s important to have enough ventilation, and you should try to keep the grill away from anything that could catch fire.

Always keep the grill at least 10 feet away from your home or exposed deck. Additionally, find a space that is free of kids and animals to put everyone’s safety first.

Propane grill owners should know to always carefully check the gas lines for leaks and ensure secure connections. If you are using a charcoal grill, inspect it for any ash buildup, dents or cracks. Addressing any issues with leaking lines or cracked surfaces is crucial to prevent hazardous fire situations.

Stay Alert While Handling Flames

It’s important to pay attention while grilling and to have a water source, such as a spray bottle, near you in case you need to put out a small flame. Having a hose or fire extinguisher handy is crucial for bigger fire emergencies.

Remember to shut off the gas after cooking or seal the vents on a charcoal grill to prevent the supply of oxygen from continuing. After you’re done grilling, throw away ash and embers in a metal can to prevent potential fire threats. Make sure the grill has completely cooled down before you leave your grill unattended.

Have a Splendid, Safe Summer

We wish you summer filled with delightful moments and safety. However, if a fire does break out during your BBQ, SERVPRO of Westfield is here, ready to provide professional fire damage restoration services.

SERVPRO of Westfield is here 247 to help during your fire emergency and provide professional restoration services.

Keeping Every Evening Fire-Safe | SERVPRO® of Westfield

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

campfire-style fire pit with flames emerging from the top of the logs on the dark green grass Bonfire season is upon us! SERVPRO of Westfield has your back with these helpful fire safety tips.

It might not feel like it yet, but fall is just around the corner. A break in the heat and lower humidity will be a true blessing while we get our pumpkin decorations out and look forward to crunching in the few leaves that will start to fall.

Many of us also enjoy getting outside with the family at night and gathering around the fire pit. It’s the perfect place to share stories and eat flame-kissed foods, especially when we are keeping it safe.

SERVPRO® is always available when you need us after a disaster strikes, but we also want to make sure you know how to stay safe. We want to help stop damage before it ever begins.

Tips for Starting the Fire

Make safety a priority from the start by keeping a few things you should do in mind:

Do find the best spot to have your fire. Choose a location that is in a clear area away from structures or debris, and don’t pile up the wood you plan to burn too close to the fire.

Do keep water close by in case of emergency. A bucket full of water can put out a spark that flies into the wrong places and stop flames from getting out of control. Sand or dirt can also smother out anything that leaves the fire area.

Do take a look at the weather. Check the forecast for any warnings, particularly about the wind. Even if there are no advisories, stand outside for a bit before starting the fire to ensure there are no strong winds. It doesn’t take much of a breeze to spread flames. Check burn bans for the area as well. Fire regulations can change rapidly, so make sure you check on them the day you plan to spend time around the fire.

Tips for While the Fire Is Hot

Keep your fire safe the whole evening by considering a few things you don’t want to do:

Don’t burn anything other than wood that has been treated and approved for use in a fire pit. Adding accelerants or trash to your fire can cause a dangerous situation quickly.

Don’t let anyone get too close to the fire. Put chairs around the fire a safe distance away in order to keep kids and animals away and prevent potential accidents.

Don’t make a big fire. You want to keep your fire small enough to stay contained and avoid flying embers. It only takes a single spark to start a massive blaze.

Don’t go out of eyesight of the fire until it is completely out. When you are done for the evening, pour water on your fire and stay outside until there is no trace of red, glowing embers.

Wildfire Prevention

Preventing a wildfire all starts with you. Statistically, the majority of wildfires are started by human error, so always do what you can to keep things safe. Make the fire small, use the right material and never walk away from hot embers.

If you do experience a fire on your property, call us. SERVPRO is always ready to get damage taken care of quickly and put your life back together. We will get things handled so you can continue enjoying the season.

Fire can cause a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Contact us day or night for immediate assistance.

Learn Ways to Make Fire Fundamentals Fun | SERVPRO® of Westfield

6/12/2023 (Permalink)

Young boy staring at a lit match being held between his fingers SERVPRO of Westfield is here for you and your family if you experience a fire in your home or business.

Parenting is undeniably demanding, but the sheer joy of witnessing your children evolve into responsible adults makes every challenge worthwhile. One of the most important elements in nurturing this growth begins with teaching them some key lessons, even those that may bring about a little fear.

You shouldn’t skip over the topic of fire safety with your kids just because it’s difficult to talk about or scary! This information can keep them safe during childhood and throughout their entire adult lives.

While fire safety is undeniably a serious subject to bring up with younger kids, there are methods to make the conversation more kid-friendly, allowing for a fun and memorable learning experience.

Explain the Dangers of Fire

Because children learn best via experience, it’s helpful to use your own home as an example as you teach them about fire safety. Take a look around your home, highlight any potential fire hazards and explain how flames may emerge to help your kids develop a solid awareness of what they should avoid.

While discussing fire hazards in your household, mention items like matches and lighters to underscore their danger. Talking about fire hazards in a serious manner will help your kids realize that these items aren’t to be messed with and should be handed over to an adult when found.

Familiarize Them With Authority

A firefighter decked out in full safety gear can be intimidating, even for an adult. To calm this fear in your kids, try different methods to help them put their faith in important individuals such as police officers and firefighters. There are numerous ways to assist your children overcome their anxieties, such as taking them to a local event to meet firefighters or showing them images or recordings of their courageous activities.

Teach them that firefighters are lifesavers during a fire emergency. Describe their job and stress the importance of trusting them if a fire were to break out in your home. Practice interactions with these heroes, such as shouting out for help or teaching them the proper technique to stop, drop and roll.

Make a Game Plan Together

fire evacuation plan is a must-have for every household! Involve your kids in creating the exit strategy to make them feel included and to establish a plan that everyone in your home can easily follow. Turn it into a fun activity by having a contest to see who can draw the emergency plan the quickest.

It can help to point out other exits your family can use just in case your original route is blocked off during a fire. Remind your kids that using the windows as a means of escape should only be done in the event of a fire by demonstrating how to do it safely.

Once you’ve drawn out the perfect plan, locate a safe meeting place outside your home that everyone can reach after evacuating. Be sure to practice your strategy a few times a year, and don’t forget to show your kids how to call 911!

Fires can cause widespread damage. Call us for a thorough and efficient restoration.

Turn to SERVPRO for Rapid Fire Restoration | SERVPRO® of Westfield

3/14/2023 (Permalink)

"a small house completely engulfed in flames” For quick repairs following a fire, get in touch with our team at SERVPRO of Westfield.

Disaster strikes in a variety of ways, and the losses that result can range from minor to life-altering. When it comes to calamities like a house fire, even the smallest blaze can leave your home with devastating damage.

It can be overwhelming to know where to start after the fire has been put out. That’s why our team at SERVPRO of Westfield is always on call, waiting to lend you a helping hand. As soon as you call, we become your trusted fire recovery partner!

Discover why our fire restoration process is so effective and how our crew comes to the rescue in your time of need.

Our Initial Move

After you’ve done everything you can to protect yourself and your family after a fire, you’ll probably turn your focus to your home. When you’re ready to undergo repairs, give us a call, and we’ll be just as ready.

Every fire emergency will result in a unique set of challenges, so we make sure to get as many details as possible before we arrive. This allows our crew to be on the spot with the right tools and a plan tailored to your unique circumstances.

When we finally arrive, we’ll have you give us a tour so we can evaluate the extent of the destruction.

Time to Work

Our specialists will take a few precautions before we dive in to make sure your home is fully safeguarded. Boarding up windows and tarping exposed areas helps to keep damage to a minimum and protects your home from outside elements.

Our advanced technologies speed up the restoration process by extracting difficult-to-reach remnants of smoke and soot that have permeated deep into your home. As soon as we kick stubborn smoke and soot to the curb, we clean, sanitize and deodorize every surface to ensure your home is spick and span.

The Final Step in Recovery

The final steps in the restoration process are the most comforting to homeowners. Additional work, such as installing new floors or rebuilding walls, provides assurance that a pre-fire home is just around the corner.

If the mess a fire left you with necessitates major reconstruction work, we’ll gather everything we need so we can finish the job. Before you know it, we’ll have your Westfield home back to its pre-fire state.

For rapid repairs following a fire, get in touch with our team at SERVPRO of Westfield! We will work as quickly as possible to return you to a safe and fully restored property.

Stay Safe and Warm During the Winter Season | SERVPRO® of Westfield

1/24/2023 (Permalink)

”heater” alt = "a small electric heater in a living room” Call SERVPRO of Westfield if you experience any smoke, soot or fire damage.

The freezing season has arrived, and you’ve likely brought your space heater out of storage or switched on the heat in your home to prepare for Westfield’s plummeting temperatures. Heating your home can be as simple as flipping a switch, but all it takes is one small mistake for these helpful tools to spark flames.

Westfield might not be visited by a snowstorm like the blizzard that caught us off-guard back in 2021, but you’ll still need to keep warm! Staying cozy for the winter is easy as long as you keep safety in mind.

<h3basics">Furnace Basics

Most houses include a furnace and an HVAC system that sends warm air flowing in every room of the home. To keep your furnace working this winter, you’ll need to upkeep it often. Check your furnace for any problems and give it a good cleaning to keep dust and debris from sparking flames.

Replacing your HVAC system’s air filter is another vital maintenance task that should be completed at the beginning of each new season. A clean, well-maintained HVAC system and furnace will ensure that clean air is circulated throughout your home.

<h3safety">Fireplace Safety

If your Westfield home is decked out with a fireplace, you’re probably aware of its ease of use and convenience. This helpful tool might add a comfortable atmosphere to your home, but it can turn dangerous quickly if you don’t upkeep it.

Whether you use an artificial or wood-burning fireplace, you need to clean it and have it checked for issues each season.

If your home uses a wood-burning fireplace, thoroughly wipe down every inch to remove smoke and soot residue and inspect your chimney for any obstructions. If you fire up an artificial fireplace, remove its cover and clean the inside and outside to ensure it’s free of dust accumulation.

<h3heaters">Portable Heaters

If you get out a space heater in the winter, you’re sure to enjoy its ability to warm up any space within minutes. This device is really useful when it’s frigid outside, but its risks must be considered to ensure you’re using it safely.

Avoid sparking flames by keeping your space heater three feet from flammable items. Make sure to turn off your space heater before going to bed, and if you have children, keep an eye on them while it is on.

Avoid using extension cables because they can overheat. Instead, plug your space heater straight into a wall outlet.

Keeping your home warm throughout winter is easy as long as you work to prevent flames in the process! One small mishap can easily lead to a fire calamity when utilizing heating sources.

If you experience fire damage this season, give us a call at SERVPRO of Westfield for immediate assistance. We’re here 247 when you need us!

Count on SERVPRO for Professional Odor-Removal Services | SERVPRO® of Westfield

1/19/2023 (Permalink)

 "a SERVPRO crew setting up machines to clean a kitchen If you experience an odor or any other damage inside your home, call SERVPRO of Westfield day or night.

With multiple locations across the country, SERVPRO provides cleaning and restoration services for residential and commercial properties suffering from damage inflicted by unexpected emergencies. One issue that our team frequently tackles while working to restore property damage is the development of irritating odors.

Recovering after your home or business has been devastated by disaster is a complex process. Following these events, a persistent smell may initially seem like a minor problem given the extensive damage you are dealing with, but it has the potential to worsen significantly over time.

No matter how severe the damage, disasters can develop an odor that will only spread further the longer you wait on repairs. Even if your home appears to be spotless, stubborn smells can sneak into areas you’d never imagine.

The good news is: We can help you out if you’re fighting an odor that just won’t leave! Here’s how our expert team works to rid your property of lingering odors.

Odor Removal Techniques

Chemicals, gases or small particles in the air all produce nasty smells. As soon as their source is taken care of, our specialists utilize advanced deodorization technologies in conjunction with numerous products and techniques that can make your home odor-free.

Some of these include:

Masking agents. While this isn’t our main method of removal, these substances can hide the smell to create a more tolerable environment as we prepare our next plan of action.

Filtration agents. Absorption agents help to soak up any odors lingering around furniture and construction supplies. These agents steal odors out of the air and lock them in place once they travel through the filtration agents.

Disinfectants and sanitizers. These compounds are designed to destroy and eradicate any bacteria and fungi that might be generating odors inside the affected locations.

While there are several other practices we use to free your home of persistent odors, these three are essential components of the restoration process.

The Signature 4-Step Process

The SERVPRO procedure for odor removal consists of four major steps:

1. Remove the source. Until the source of the smell has been found and disposed of, debris tainted with odor-emitting remnants will only allow the odor to persist. For this reason, our professionals will begin by addressing the source when possible.

2. Clean residue from surfaces. Following the removal of the odor origin, it is essential to deep-clean and deodorize all areas. Small particles and residue will continue to emit unwanted scents if not adequately cleaned.

3. Recreate the odor-causing conditions. Our professionals will apply a deodorizer in the same way that odor-creating substances initially infiltrated your home. For example, if water was the source of the problem, we would use “deodorizing water” during this phase.

4. Seal exposed surfaces. The use of sealants might be necessary in more extreme cases to keep odor-producing from creeping back inside your home. Our team undergoes this phase when odor elimination efforts become too expensive or impossible to execute.

The solution to a persistent, stubborn smell is a rapid response. Our team can get your odor issue under control to keep costs low and safeguard your property from damage. When your property is devastated by disaster, SERVPRO of Westfield is right down the road waiting to help you out!

If you experience an odor or other damage inside your home or business, call us at any time, 247. We have the training and equipment to quickly get your property back in operation.

Keeping Any Backyard Fire Contained With These Safeguards | SERVPRO® of Westfield

8/18/2022 (Permalink)

a close up view of a bright campfire burning at night If you have experienced fire or smoke damage, contact SERVPRO of Westfield.

There’s no better way to spend the summer evening than relaxing by the fire with your family in your own backyard. S’mores, scary stories and hot dogs are just a few ways you can enjoy this special night.

We use these backyard fires and campgrounds for many reasons, such as our own entertainment, preparing a meal, keeping bugs away or as a way to clear our yard of debris, but even the most contained fires still have their own set of hazards. The National Park Service states that nearly 85% of wildfires are ignited by humans.

Texas is the second most common state in the United States for wildfires to burn. In 2021, there were around 5,600 wildfires. Many of these fires are started by careless debris burning, but dry conditions allow these flames to get even more out of control.

Of course, you’re still able to burn your debris, toast your marshmallows, light your tiki torches and barbecue your burgers, if local laws allow it. Having safeguards in place every time you burn can allow you to minimize the accidental spread of flames and enjoy your backyard fires.

Recreational Fire Hazards

Any open flame can be hazardous, but campfires, fire pits, grills and fireworks are some of the most prevalent ways outdoor fires are ignited. Grills are responsible for an average of 8,800 home fires annually, usually caused by improper usage due. Before starting up your grill, check the gas lines and propane tanks that fuel it, and always be sure to supervise your grill before and after use

When constructing a campfire, place it in a safe area away from any buildings or vehicles, and only use a match or lighter to light your fire. Once your campfire is started, make sure you only use wood to keep the flames going, and always watch the embers even after you’re done with your fire.

Fire pits are an easy way to create a camp-like feel in your own backyard, but this equipment should be used with the same precautions as you would a normal campfire. If you’re able to move your fire pit, keep it off of a wooden deck and away from areas with an overhang.

While it may seem like a convenient way to get rid of construction or household debris, you should only burn approved firewood.

And if plan on lighting fireworks to celebrate, make sure to set them off in an open area and give them room to land away from vehicles, buildings or other debris. Westfield’s firework laws allow you to buy and possess fireworks, but you should refrain from using them in certain areas, like near hospitals, churches and schools.

Other Outdoor Fire Hazards

Fire and flammable materials still have a purpose even with their hazards. During the fall, if your yard collects a number of leaves and you don’t have a convenient way to dispose of them, burning your yard debris may be the easiest way to keep a tidy yard.

Before you begin burning, make sure your local authorities allow you to burn debris in the first place. Understand your area’s burn bans, and apply for a permit if necessary. In Westfield, conditions are particularly dry at the moment and officials have issued a burn ban until further notice. So, hold off on burning until local regulations say it’s safe to do so.

Clearing your yard of dead leaves and yard trimmings is actually a beneficial way to safeguard your home from wildfires, as well as strategic landscaping to slow the spread of flames before they reach your home. Knowing what is safe to burn and understanding the basic fire safety principles can help you keep any outdoor fire contained.

We all utilize our sheds and garages to store materials like gasoline, but irresponsible storage can have a devastating impact. Be sure to only store your gas in approved containers, and keep these containers in an area where kids can’t reach them.

Gas should only be used for its intended purpose as well, so even if you’re having trouble lighting that backyard fire, don’t turn to your gasoline can for any help.

Before lighting any fire outside, check our local weather forecast and regulations. If conditions are very dry or if winds are strong, save your marshmallows for a better day and reschedule your campfire.

And if a backyard fire inflicts damage on your home, contact our experts at SERVPRO. Our team has experience in dealing with the damage left over from smoke and flames, and we make it our goal to restore your home to its pre-fire condition as fast as we can.

Burn safely outdoors. And save some chocolate for us! If you have experienced fire or smoke damage, contact us today to get restoration started faster.

A Clean Home Is an Effective Way to Prevent Fires | SERVPRO® of Westfield

6/16/2022 (Permalink)

"interior view of a room with items completely destroyed by fire  "   If your home is damaged in a house fire, SERVPRO of Westfield is here to help. Contact us for any fire restoration need.

House fires are without a doubt one of the most common and disastrous catastrophes in the country. Around seven fire-related fatalities occur each day in the United States, thus taking safeguards is vital. Since the beginning of the year, the American Red Cross has responded to more than 20,000 residential fires.

The first step in preventing fire threats is to take action to protect your Westfield home. Paying attention in the kitchen and checking your smoke alarms are two of the more obvious fire prevention measures, but you may not realize that tidying your house can also help to limit the spread of flames:

Create a Defensible Space in Your Yard

Westfield residents are at high risk of wildfires. Creating a fire-prevention layout on your lawn and cleaning up around the yard are two steps you may take to prevent outside fires from reaching your home.

Due to the prevalence of wildfires in California, the state has developed defensible space zones, requiring a yard arrangement that works as a protective barrier against fires.

Practice this in your Westfield yard by planting trees and plants away from your house and removing any branches that may be hanging over it. Utilize fire-resistant landscaping, such as hardwood and maple trees or yucca plants, to help keep a wildfire from spreading.

Clear the Clutter

Everyone’s house gets messy now and then, but allowing the mess to compromise your safety is potentially deadly. Too much clutter in your home creates a safety risk to you and everyone else in the house in the event of a fire.

A cluttered home with excess storage might hinder a speedy escape in the event of a house fire. Piles of clothes or towels also act as fuel to a flame; in the event of a fire, these materials will only help it spread.

Take care to clear out piles of anything flammable, including clothes, paper and books. This is especially important around appliances, outlets and heating devices.

Keep It Clean & Keep It Safe

A clean home can be difficult to achieve, but keep in mind that your efforts to clean your space can result in a safer living environment. Making it a habit to toss things away and dust around the house are simple actions that will make a significant difference if an unexpected fire occurs.

Dryers cause thousands of fires each year, with a dirty lint screen being the most common cause. Lint is flammable, resulting in a deadly combination of heat from your dryer. Dryer lint should be cleared from your dryer screen after each load of laundry.

Remember, a clean home is a happy home! A clutter-free environment will not only provide you with peace of mind, but it will also significantly minimize your risk of accidental fires occurring.

If you have experienced fire damage or want to learn more about our fire damage restoration services, contact us today. We’re here to act fast, 247.

SERVPRO Is Always on Duty, Because It Makes a Difference | SERVPRO® of Westfield

1/21/2022 (Permalink)

Room fire with charred contents. If a fire issue causes damage to your home, remember the trusted leader in the recovery industry, SERVPRO of Westfield.

Ah, finally, the weekend. You’ve been looking forward to it since, well, last weekend. Finally a night to yourself, a day to sleep in and enjoy the serenity of a rest well-earned.

There’s only one problem—you’re not aware of it yet, but you’ve got a pipe pouring water down the walls in the story above you. And ‘round about 1 a.m. tomorrow, you’re going to be awakened to the drip-drip-drip-whoosh of your ceiling giving way under the weight of a whole mess of watery nastiness.

Obviously, we hope this scenario is total fiction, but we needed it to demonstrate a point: Disasters don’t happen when it’s convenient, and they don’t keep 9-to-5 work hours. Fortunately for you, neither does our emergency response team.

But we don’t offer 24-hour emergency service merely to say we do—it matters that we can offer quick response. When disaster comes calling in the middle of the night, you should be calling us, and here’s why.

After a fire. The flames of a home fire are certainly your first and most urgent problem, but the issue doesn’t end there: Soot and smoke are disastrous byproducts of fire that settle in and become permanent parts of your home mere hours after the fire. Fast action can be the difference between cleaning and replacement of walls, floors and more.

After water damage. Mold growth gets underway quickly after a water event. You have, at most, 48 hours until your water damage issue breeds mold in your home. The quicker your home can be relieved of its unwanted water and dried of the excess moisture, the better.

And what’s more, you could be startled awake by any number of outside disasters during nights, weekends, even holidays—heavy storms, freak weather events or floods can bring sudden calamity to homeowners at any time. And when then do, there’s no time to wait, because waiting only causes more damage.

No matter what time your disaster happens or is discovered, we’re here to make sure it gets handled quickly and professionally. Trust SERVPRO for 24-hour emergency service.

When you need help after a home or business disaster, fast service is a priority, and there’s nobody faster or more prepared than SERVPRO. Call us anytime to take advantage of our 24-hour emergency service.

Cleaning Up After A Fire

6/10/2021 (Permalink)

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) estimates that 370,000 residential fires occur in the United States each year. The property damage caused by these fires totaled $7 billion. But what types of flames are generating this damage, and how are they being put out?

Types of Fires

High-oxygen fires, low-oxygen fires, and kitchen fires are the three primary types of fires that commonly occur in American homes. Each of these flames has unique characteristics that enable it to cause different forms of damages. There are also several methods for thoroughly cleaning them.

The amount of oxygen in a fire has a significant influence on the amount of damage it produces. The fire triangle consists of heat, fuel, and oxygen.

High-oxygen Fire

Dry soot is produced by high-oxygen flames, making them simpler to clean than the other common types of home fires. They're usually cleaned with dry sponges and a low-alkaline detergent.

Low-oxygen Fire

Because it creates oily, wet soot, a low-oxygen fire is a little more difficult to clean than a high-oxygen fire. The fire smolders as a result of the damp, smoky residue. These fires are often cleansed using warm water and a high-alkaline detergent that may be used to wash walls and buildings.

Kitchen Fire

Kitchen fires are usually the most difficult type of fire damage to clean. The fact that soot residue is difficult to detect is the most problematic aspect of these fires. Cabinets, drawers, and other equipment must be removed after a kitchen fire.

Cleaning Fires

The majority of the damage caused by fires is caused by the smoke and soot that the fire creates, rather than the actual flames. The smoke and soot in the house have the power to infiltrate the paint, carpet, upholstery, and clothing. Some materials in the impacted residence may need to be removed and disposed of, while others may be cleaned. Regardless of where the fire happens, there are several crucial elements to consider throughout the cleanup procedure.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

When it comes to putting out a fire, the most crucial consideration is safety. Gloves, a protective mask, long-sleeved shirts, and pants should be worn by anybody cleaning up a fire. This equipment will assist to reduce the risk of coming into touch with the mold. Specialists are trained to deal with mold so that it does not affect them or anybody else in the house, which is one of the main reasons why mold should only be dealt with by professionals.

Remove Contents from the Home

All contents within the house should be removed, regardless of the material that has been damaged. However, depending on the type of material being handled, it may not be necessary to discard it. While some things must be discarded as a result of a fire, others can be cleaned.


Not just in putting out a fire, but also in recovering a property after a fire, ventilation is crucial. Smoke and grime make the building uninhabitable, and it desperately needs to be ventilated. When firemen get on the site, they will immediately begin the ventilation procedure to make the structure safer. Ventilation will assist in the removal of scents after they have left.

Additional Contaminants

While smoke and soot cause the bulk of the damage, lead and asbestos may also degrade the environment and necessitate rehabilitation. What started as a simple fire restoration might turn into a major environmental restoration if they are disrupted.

Duct Cleaning

The smoke and soot produced by a fire might become trapped in the building's duct system. As a result, following every fire repair, a complete duct cleaning is essential. It's possible that toxins and odors will spread to other parts of the house if duct cleaning isn't done.

A house fire may be a catastrophic occurrence. Depending on the type of fire, the damage may require a little clean-up or a complete clean-up. In any case, there are several components of the restoration that must be done. If your house has been damaged by a fire, contact SERVPRO to assure a thorough restoration.

Fireplace Safety Tips

6/10/2021 (Permalink)

Kitchen stove fire before and after photos. Kitchen stove fire before and after photos.

After a fire, the first 48 hours can be the difference between recovering and replacing destroyed property and personal possessions.

A toasty fire may be quite comforting, especially on cold Houston evenings even though those evenings are numbered. Nonetheless, knowing these 5 easy safety rules can help you and your family remain safe while staying warm this winter in Houston. Our fireplace safety recommendations can keep you safe this season.

  • Only dried, split firewood should be used. Chemically treated wood should be avoided.
  • In your fireplace, install a chimney cap.
  • Inspect your house or company for smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.
  • When the fireplace is not in use, close the damper.
  • Schedule an annual check of your fireplace and chimney.

What You Should Know About Our Fire Remediation Services

SERVPRO of Westfield specializes in the cleanup and repair of fire, smoke, and soot damage. Our staff is highly trained restoration experts that utilize specialized equipment and procedures to rapidly and safely resolve your fire situation. If you have had a little or major house fire, please do not hesitate to call our office staff. Call 281-907-0018 to schedule a fire inspection.

Is there any fire damage? Call SERVPRO of Westfield for any size job.

6/9/2021 (Permalink)

The harm inflicted by fires does not stop once the flames have died out. When coping with fire damage, families frequently lose their favorite items as well as the roof over their heads, forcing them to seek refuge. Meanwhile, firms may have financial difficulties and be unable to trade. Prompt fire damage restoration can help lessen the emotional and financial hardships that a fire can create.

It is never a pleasant experience when a fire breaks out inside your home. Fires are not only dangerous to you and your family, but they may also be expensive to put out. A fire's heat, flames, and smoke may do significant damage to your property. Having specialists come in and examine the situation is the best option, whether the fire is minor or major. SERVPRO of Westfield is IICRC-certified and has worked in a variety of fire situations giving us the experience to help your property.

The heat and smoke produced by a fire can cause a variety of problems in your property. Inside the structure, flames can burn content and building elements. Oftentimes soot and bad odors are left behind as smoke spreads throughout the building. SERVPRO of Westfield's expert personnel are trained to reduce fire damage by categorizing each case based on the degree of the damage.

In fire damage situations, there are three main types of severity: minor, medium and major fire damage. Mitigating damage, delivering smoke damage cleanup, and water restoration as soon as feasible after a fire erupts are all part of the fire damage restoration process. The fire damage restoration process includes mitigating damage, providing smoke damage cleanup and water restoration as quickly as possible after the damage first occurs. The recovery of as much property as possible is ensured through an effective emergency response that promptly stabilizes the institution. The acidic soot and smoke damage caused by fires hastens the depreciation and corrosion of building components and important assets. To make matters worse, fires are usually put out using dry chemicals or water. In addition, the hazardous smoke odor must be neutralized and deodorized.

Hiring specialists can always provide you the greatest results, no matter how serious the damage is in your property after a fire. SERVPRO of Westfield is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week at (281) 907-0018 to assist you.

How To Safely Use Candles In Your Home

6/9/2021 (Permalink)

Candles Candles can add a beautiful smell to a home, but you need to be careful.

While candles may be commonplace in homes across the country, they frequently cause house fires with an average of 23 home candle fires reported every day. Fortunately, there are many ways you can prevent a candle fire from ever occurring in your home.

Top Causes of Candles Fires

There are many reasons a candle fire can occur. One-third of fires begin in bedrooms and the top three days they occur are Christmas, New Year’s Day, and New Year’s Eve. Those most common situations that lead to candle fires include:

  • Candles being left too close to flammable materials
  • Forgetting to extinguish candles before leaving the home
  • Leaving a candle burning while sleeping

What To Do if a Fire Starts

If a candle fire ever happens in your home in [City, State], you need to know how to properly extinguish it. When putting out a candle fire, you should never use water, which causes it to spread. If the wax inside the candle catches fire, grab a cover to remove oxygen from the candle. If the flames spread to other parts of your home and get out of control, quickly contact the fire department and evacuate your home. If any fire damage occurs or your home is in need of smoke cleanup services, a fire damage cleanup company can help restore your home back to its original condition.

Candle Alternatives

The best way to prevent candles from causing a fire in your home is to keep them out of your house entirely. There are many candle alternatives to consider including:

  • Incense
  • Flameless candle
  • Essential oil diffuser
  • Wax warmer
  • Oil warmer
  • Stick diffuser

While candles are often used for giving off a warm, romantic light and an appealing aroma, they can cause a candle fire if used incorrectly. It is important to always use candles responsibly or to try out any of the candle alternatives listed in this guide. Visit for more information on fire loss. 

Cleaning up the smoke and soot in Houston

6/9/2021 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot are extremely intrusive, and they can enter your home through many locations, producing hidden damage and odors. Our skill and experience with smoke damage allow us to investigate and precisely analyze the amount of the damage in order to build a complete plan of action.

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

Wet and dry smoke are the two forms of smoke. As a result, several forms of soot residue are left behind after a fire. SERVPRO of Westfield will analyze the soot to establish the type of smoke damage that has occurred before beginning the restoration process. The cleaning techniques will subsequently be determined by the data gathered during the pre-testing. Here's a little more information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – 281-907-0018

Why should you leave fire cleanup to the professionals?

5/22/2020 (Permalink)

Fire damage can cause all types of damage, including damages in disguise. When any type of fire occurs in your home, it's smartest to rely on experts to instruct you on the safest cleanup methods. After a fire has damaged any part of your home or property, there are certain precautions that one must take in restoring the area. More often then not, certain tools and knowledge is required to deal with fire clean up.

Wall or floors must be entirely replaces, for many property owners, depending on the extent of the damage. This requires professional assistance. Without proper methods, it is very possible to cause further damage without realizing it. So you can live or work comfortably in your location you want your property to be restored properly.

SERVPRO of Westfield is more than willing to come assist you in any situation like this.

Please call SERVPRO of Westfield at:
(281) 907-0018, or visit our website at

Steps to Manage Damage Caused by Fire and Smoke

5/22/2020 (Permalink)

Step 1: Safety

The top priority is safety. The first and most important step to take after a fire is making sure everyone is safe. If anyone should feel ill, it its imperative to receive medical attention. Following the assurance of personal health, the next thing to do is have the Fire Marshall assess whether or not it is safe to be in or near the building where the fire or smoke damage occurred. Electrical hazards are common occurrences after a fire and can be extremely dangerous along with water hazards caused from the fire or in the process of putting out the fire. Maintaining safety throughout the entire restoration process is vital.

Step 2: Restoration

Promptly following the Fire Marshall's declaration of the building being safe, then you, as well as your highly trained SERVPRO of Westfield professional, can begin restoration. We maintain the restore versus replace mentality in order to preserve the items that hold sentimental value, as well as saving you money.

The following is a list of to-do's and not-to-do's after a fire.

What To Do After A Fire

  • Movement in the home should be limited to prevent soot particles from being embedded into upholstery and carpets.
  • Keep hands clean to prevent further soil of upholstery, walls and woodwork.
  • Place clean towels or old linens on traffic areas.
  • If electricity is off, empty freezer and refrigerator and prop doors open.
  • Wash houseplants (if any) on both sides of the leaves.
  • Change HVAC filter
  • Tape double layers of cheesecloth over air registers (i.e. vents)

What Not To Do After A Fire

  • Do not attempt to wash walls and/or painted surfaces or shampoo carpet or upholstery without contacting you SERVPRO of Westfield professional.
  • Do not attempt to clean any electrical appliances that may have been close to fire, heat or water without consulting an authorized repair service
  • Do not use any canned or packaged food or beverages that may have been stored near the fire, heat or water.
  • Do not turn on ceiling fixtures.

For further information and help on fire damage contact us
SERVPRO of Westfield

(281) 907-0018, or visit our website at

Lightning Strikes Can Cause a House Fire

5/21/2020 (Permalink)

Fire Damage to Roof Call SERVPRO of Westfield to help with your fire needs (281) 907-0018.

Did you know that thunderstorms can create fire damage in your home or business? Lightning striking your home can set your electrical lines on fire and create smoke damage, or any other material it happens to strike. When this happens, it leaves your home smoked up with a black residue (soot) all over your home or business. Don’t worry because the SERVPRO of Westfield professionals are here to make fire damage “Like it never even happened."® Locally owned and operated in Houston, Texas, and serving the greater Houston, TX area. Yes, we have come to the rescue of many smoke damaged homes and businesses due to lightning strikes. We are the fire and smoke damage professionals for North Texas!

SERVPRO of Westfield has the capability to pack out your home or business contents after a fire loss. Cleanup those contents and store them in a safe warehouse facility.

Please call SERVPRO of Westfield at:

(281) 907-0018, or visit our website at

Highly Trained Restoration Specialists

Our SERVPRO Professionals are highly trained in property restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO's Corporate Training Facility to regular IICRC industry certifications, our Professionals are equipped with the knowledge to restore your property. The SERVPRO training program includes the follow:

  • IICRC Training
  • Employee Certification Training
  • Initial Franchise Training
  • e-Learnings
  • Continuing Education Classes

SERVPRO of Westfield is Here For Your Fire Restoration Needs

12/21/2018 (Permalink)

When the firefighters leave, it may seem like the danger has passed and the home is safe from further destruction, but without professionals to help clean the smoke damage, the building may never return to normal. While the principles behind fire restoration are fairly simple, it requires a lot of experience and manpower to perform adequately, and this means that it shouldn’t be attempted by a homeowner on his or her own.  The trained professionals at SERVPRO of Westfield should be called on-site immediately.  We can clean smoke damage and restore items affected by a fire, but we must be brought to the site as soon as possible to halt the ongoing issues that ash residue can cause. 

The only way to properly clean smoke and fire damage is to be extremely thorough. Ash residue is easily disturbed and can spread through the building with ease, causing nearly everything to need restoration. The experts at SERVPRO of Westfield will identify what can and cannot be salvaged, and will remove any built-up ash residue that is coating surfaces. Over time, ash builds up in layers, and may eventually form into a lacquer-like consistency. Once this is done, the restorers will locate the source of the odor, and treat it with specialized detergents that are formulated for neutralizing this kind of odor. Once materials are treated, they may be sealed off to prevent any further odor from permeating the air in the future.

For more information on the services that SERVPRO of Westfield provides regarding water and fire damage cleanup for your commercial or residential structure, please visit us at:

or call us today at (281) 907-0018

Fire Restoration Process

12/21/2018 (Permalink)

Fire damage is probably the last thing on your mind, but you may want to move it up on your list of priorities; preparation is the key. The first 48 hours after a fire often makes the difference between ‘restoring’ vs. ‘replacing’ your property and personal belongings. SERVPRO of Westfield provides a timely response with mitigation services ranging from fire, smoke and soot removal, to content claims inventory and document restoration. Here is a timeline to help ease your mind of what should be done before and after SERVPRO of Westfield arrives:

  1. One Hour: Within one hour from notice of loss, a SERVPRO of Westfield professional will contact you to arrange for service.
  2. Four Hours: Within four hours of loss notification, a SERVPRO of Westfield technician will be onsite to start mitigation services.
  3. Detailed Explanation:  A trained and uniformed SERVPRO of Westfield employee will walk you through the job process step-by-step, explaining what to expect and the anticipated outcome.
  4. Pretesting: A SERVPRO of Westfield employee will begin pretesting for restoration, working from the source of the damage outward.
  5. Eight Hours: Within eight business hours of on-site arrival, a verbal briefing of the scope is communicated to the appropriate person.
  6. Cleaning, Restoration, & Deodorization: SERVPRO of Westfield will work neatly and efficiently to help you regain control of your property. We then use state-of-the-art restoration techniques to make it “Like it never even happened.”
  7. Final Walk-through: After the work has been completed, a final walk-through will be conducted with you to help ensure your satisfaction.

SERVPRO of Westfield responds quickly, offering a full line of fire cleanup and restoration services to help you return home as soon as possible. Before risking further damage by attempting to clean up the damage on your own, call the fire damage clean up and restoration professionals at (281) 907-0018.

Fire Safety Tips: Pets Are Important Too

10/17/2018 (Permalink)

For some, pets are considered family too.

At any given moment, a fire emergency can take place in the North Houston area or abroad, and though unexpected; it can be beneficial to already have a plan in place for everyone in your home to evacuate and meet in a safe location. While you should always be most focused on keeping yourself and your family safe, you can also spend some time on pet preparation so that you can have a better chance of getting your pets out of danger as well. 

For some, pets are considered family also. You can be better prepared to keep your pets safe during a fire emergency by following these safety tips:

1. Practice Evacuating 

In the confusion caused by a fire, it can be hard to think of everything you need to do right away. If you have a plan in place and practice it a few times, you can be better prepared to handle a fire emergency. This can not only be helpful for pet safety, but also for the safety of everyone in your household. 

2. Notice Where Your Pets Are 

An important part of the planning process can be noticing where your pets usually spend their time. It can be especially helpful to note where they hide when frightened. You don’t want to put yourself at risk by spending too much time searching for your dog or cat during a fire emergency, but you can be better prepared to get yourself and your pets out as soon as possible by having a checklist of areas you can look. 

3. Keep Collars and Leashes Handy

Fires can be especially frightening to pets. By keeping their collars and leashes handy, you can more easily guide them out of the house. If you are unable to find them, it can be easier for the fire department to get them out if they are wearing collars. It can be a good idea to hang leashes by the door you are planning to evacuate through.

Our SERVPRO of Westfield Technicians are highly trained in property restoration. 

Give us a call - We're Here To Help (281) 907-0018.

Follow us on Twitter @SERVPROWstfield

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Home Fires: Grilling Safety Tips

6/21/2018 (Permalink)

Nearly 8,900 home fires are started by grilling accidents each year.

Fire in the grill, under hot dogs and burgers, is a welcome sight at the family cookout. But fire anywhere else can make your summer kick-off barbecue memorable for all the wrong reasons. To keep you and your family safe while grilling, follow these general guidelines.

General grilling tips:

  •  Propane and charcoal BBQ grills should only be used outdoors.
  • The grill should be placed well away from the home, deck railings and out from under eaves and overhanging branches.
  • Keep children and pets away from the grill area.
  • Keep your grill clean by removing grease or fat buildup from the grills and in trays below the grill.
  • Never leave your grill unattended.

Propane grills:

Before you use your grill:

  •  Check the major connection points between the gas (propane) tank hose and the regulator and cylinder, and where the hose connects to the burners. Tighten if loose.
  • Check the gas (propane) tank hose for the potential (gas) leaks. To do that:
    • Apply a light soap and water solution to the hose using a brush or spray bottle.
    • Turn the propane tank on. If there is a gas leak, the propane will release bubbles around the hose (big enough to see).
    • If there are no bubbles, your grill is safe to use.
  • If there are bubbles, turn off the tank and check connections, then have your grill serviced by a professional before using it again.
  • If the leak doesn’t stop, call the fire department immediately.

When the grill is on:

  • As you are cooking, if you smell gas, turn off the gas tank and burners.
  • If the leak stops immediately, get the grill serviced by a professional before using it again.
  • If the smell continues, move away from the grill and call the fire department immediately. Do not move the grill.

Charcoal grills:

  •  There are several ways to get the charcoal ready to use. Charcoal chimney starters allow you to start the charcoal using newspaper as a fuel.
  • If you use a starter fluid, use only charcoal starter fluid. Never add charcoal fluid or any other flammable liquids to the fire.
  • Keep charcoal fluid out of the reach of children and away from heat sources.
  • There are also electric charcoal starters, which do not use fire. Be sure to use an extension cord for outdoor use.
  • When you are finished grilling, let the coals completely cool before disposing in a metal container.

Call SERVPRO of Westfield for your fire restoration needs (281) 907-0018.