Combat Storms With These Steps | SERVPRO® of Westfield
6/16/2022 (Permalink)
Severe weather is a scary issue to confront as a homeowner. In the United States, there are approximately 100,000 thunderstorms each year. This means it’s likely you will encounter severe storms a few times in your time as a homeowner. In Westfield, they are likely to occur 60 days out of the year!
Westfield can expect the most severe storms to occurring between May and October, so they’re straight-ahead. These strong storms are accompanied by flooding, hail storms, heavy rain and occasional tornadoes. This type of extreme weather is known for wreaking havoc on homes and the people caught in its path.
The unfortunate truth is there’s nothing we can do to prevent severe weather, but we can take steps to prepare for the impact. That might include putting together an emergency kit, a communications strategy and a plan for the aftermath.
No doubt, preparing for these things will at least give you a better shot at reducing their impact on you and your home.
When the weather turns bad, keeping in touch with your family and being able to receive communications from authorities is crucial. You should have multiple ways to receive alerts from officials, including a cell phone and an NOAA weather radio.
In addition, you should recognize the difference between warnings and watches so you know when to seek shelter as quickly as possible.
You also need to work on a communication strategy for your household. Include important items like where to go when the weather turns bad (perhaps a basement or bathroom). Moreover, plan for communication in case one or more household members are away from home during a storm so each person knows when and how to check in.
Take the time to put together an emergency kit that holds all your essentials. Include food, water and first-aid supplies, preparing for at least three days of sheltering in place.
That way you will not have to worry about having enough necessities to last until authorities rescue you. Keep the kit stored in your at-home storm shelter area.
Here are the steps you want to take after the storm: Evaluate your storm safety plan and figure out which areas could be improved for the next time severe weather happens. Ask for everyone in the household’s input on each element.
Next, once it is safe to do so, go around your property and look for any damage. You may notice water damage in vulnerable areas like your roof or window and door seals.
If there is damage, don’t fret! SERVPRO of Westfield is available 24⁄7 to meet all your restoration needs. We provide a quick response to save as much of your home as possible.
If you discover storm damage to your home or business, you can count on SERVPRO to handle the restoration. We’re here 24⁄7 to spring into action—get in touch with us today.