Recent Storm Damage Posts

Staying Safe Through Summer Storms | SERVPRO of Westfield

7/15/2024 (Permalink)

dark gray cloudy background with torrential downpour rain overlay When storms strike, call SERVPRO of Westfield to restore your property to preloss condition faster!

Summer in Texas means sun-soaked days, outdoor adventures, and unfortunately, the occasional severe storm. While the weather can be unpredictable, there are steps homeowners can take to safeguard their properties. SERVPRO of Westfield is Here to Help® you navigate these summer storms damage-free.

Understanding Westfield’s Summer Weather

In Westfield, summer storms can come with little warning, bringing heavy rains, strong winds, and even hail. These storms can cause significant damage to homes, from roof leaks to flooding. Knowing what to expect and how to prepare can make all the difference.

Common Storm Threats

Heavy Rain: Summer storms often bring intense rainfall that can lead to flash flooding. Ensure your gutters and downspouts are clear to direct water away from your home.

Strong Winds: High winds can turn loose objects into dangerous projectiles and damage roofs and windows. Secure outdoor furniture and trim trees to minimize risks.

Hail: Hailstorms can cause severe damage to roofs, siding, and windows. Regular inspections can help spot potential vulnerabilities before a storm hits.

How to Prepare Your Home

Preparation is key to minimizing storm damage. Here are some essential steps to protect your home:

Inspect and Maintain Your Roof

Your roof is your first line of defense against storm damage. Regularly inspect it for loose or missing shingles, and address any issues promptly. Consider installing impact-resistant materials if you live in a hail-prone area.

Secure Doors and Windows

Ensure that all doors and windows are properly sealed and locked. Installing storm shutters or impact-resistant windows can provide extra protection against high winds and flying debris.

Clean Gutters and Downspouts

Clogged gutters can lead to water damage during heavy rains. Make it a habit to clean them regularly and ensure downspouts direct water away from your foundation.

Trim Trees and Secure Loose Items

Overhanging branches can break and cause damage during a storm. Trim trees and shrubs away from your home, and secure or store loose outdoor items.

What to Do During a Storm

When a storm hits, safety is your priority. Stay indoors, away from windows, and monitor weather updates. If flooding is imminent, move to higher ground and avoid walking or driving through floodwaters.

Trust SERVPRO® for Storm Damage Restoration

Despite all precautions, storm damage can still occur. When it does, SERVPRO of Westfield is ready to help. Our team of professionals is trained to handle everything from water extraction to structural repairs, ensuring your home is restored quickly and efficiently.

Don’t let summer storms catch you off guard. Prepare your home today and know that if you need help, SERVPRO of Westfield is just a call away. Stay safe, Westfield!

Even a home that is well prepared could still be damaged. Call us for 247 restoration.

Protect Your Home from Severe Thunderstorm Damage | SERVPRO of Westfield

6/17/2024 (Permalink)

lightning strike across stormy purple sky Whether its storm damage cleanup or restoration, SERVPRO of Westfield is ready to respond in a moments notice to your call.
Understanding the Risks and Taking Preventative Measures

Living in an area prone to severe thunderstorms can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking. While the spectacle of lightning illuminating the sky can be mesmerizing, the potential damage it can cause to your home is no joke. As homeowners, it’s essential to be proactive in protecting our properties from the wrath of these powerful natural phenomena.

Assessing Vulnerabilities

Before the storm season kicks into high gear, it’s crucial to assess your home’s vulnerabilities. According to a study by the National Severe Storms Laboratory, strong winds associated with thunderstorms are responsible for a significant portion of property damage in affected areas. SERVPRO of Westfield recommends conducting a thorough inspection of your property to identify weak points such as loose shingles, compromised siding, or overhanging branches that could pose a risk during high winds.

Strengthening Your Defenses

Once you’ve identified potential weak spots, it’s time to shore up your defenses. Reinforcing your roof and securing loose items in your yard can go a long way in minimizing storm-related damage. Research conducted by the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety suggests that investing in impact-resistant roofing materials can significantly reduce the risk of damage during severe weather events. Additionally, installing storm shutters or reinforced garage doors can provide an extra layer of protection for your home.

Partnering with the Experts

While preventative measures can help mitigate the risk of storm damage, sometimes Mother Nature has other plans. In the unfortunate event that your home sustains damage during a severe thunderstorm, it’s essential to have a trusted restoration partner by your side. SERVPRO of Westfield specializes in storm damage restoration and is equipped to handle everything from water extraction to structural repairs. With their expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction, you can rest assured that your home will be in good hands.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Protect your home from severe thunderstorm damage today!

Contact SERVPRO of Westfield to learn more about our storm damage restoration services.

Planning for Storms With Kids | SERVPRO of Westfield

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage When the storm has passed, call SERVPRO of Westfield to help you recover.

If the boom of thunder sends your home into chaos, you aren’t alone. It isn’t uncommon for animals, kids and even adults to feel nervous as storms approach, and all those nerves can make it hard to make fast decisions.

Texas weather can be pretty volatile, and our community certainly isn’t immune. Strong thunderstorms are common year-round, while tornadoes, flooding and even the remnants of hurricanes can roll in pretty often as well. There isn’t a lot we can do about the weather, but we can take charge of our own home and how we respond to storms.

When you make a plan and gather plenty of supplies, you can ease any fears and keep everyone safe.

Knowing What to Look For

One of the best ways to prepare for storms is by learning about them and teaching the kids what to look for. Head outside and spend some time talking about the sky and the changes that can happen when a storm is headed our way.

Tell the kids that things may look black, blue or even green. Make sure they understand that if they see twisty, swirling clouds or hear thunder they should head indoors right away.

If your home is close enough to hear community warning sirens, make sure your kids can identify what they are. Check for a testing date and have the kids compete to see who can hear it first and how fast they can get to safe space when they do hear it. The more you can get kids used to the sights and sounds of a storm, the less scary inclement weather will be.

Preparing for the Event

After you have spent time getting to know the sights and sounds of storms, the next step is to create a solid emergency plan with your family. This should include where to go during a tornado, strong thunderstorm or flood. You should also put together an emergency kit when you create your family plan.

For severe storms, the lowest level of your home is ideal. Find an interior room with as few windows as possible. Let the kids play in or near this space so that they can get comfortable with it. Make sure they understand that if flooding is predicted you will need to move to higher ground. Choose a safe location higher up to meet in the event that a flood threatens your home.

Along with knowing where to go in different circumstances, it is important to have the right supplies. Let the kids help you build an emergency kit with first-aid supplies, batteries, candles and flashlights. Give them the opportunity to pick some shelf-stable snacks to keep in your emergency kit as well.

When severe weather is predicted, put your kit somewhere you can quickly grab it, and add in water, prescription medications and some seasonally appropriate shoes. It can also help to give the kids their own flashlights. These can help them navigate a dark house and help them feel a little safer during weather events.

Some non-electronic games are another great addition to your emergency kit. Card games, activity books and board games are a great distraction from thunder and lightning.

Keeping Calm

Nerves and apprehensions about weather are normal in people of all ages, but they can be particularly hard to deal with for young children. Make sure you keep your emergency planning lighthearted, and incorporate games to make things feel fun.

It is also helpful to know that extreme damage to a home is rare. The majority of the time, damage is isolated to roofs, siding and the yard.

Let your focus be on keeping everyone calm. When you have a plan and the supplies you need to stay safe, you can ride out storms with ease.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

The Basics of Preparing for Flooding | SERVPRO of Westfield

4/1/2024 (Permalink)

rain water pooling on a hardwood floor after a storm with a man in work boots walking through it SERVPRO of Westfield is ready to help in a moments notice after spring showers leak in to your home or business.

Going back to the basics is the best way to get something done, especially if you want it done well. This is something you understand well if you have children in school and have ever helped them with math homework. If they don’t know the basics, it can be incredibly frustrating .

Going back to the basics of disaster prevention is the best way to protect your home well from potential natural disasters, too. We don’t have a lot of say in how Mother Nature acts, but when we are prepared for anything she sends us, our damage will be less.

Flooding is one of the most common kinds of natural disasters, which means it is one that we all should be ready to handle.

Know Your Zone

Flooding is so common because it can happen in so many different ways. Not all flooding originates from nature, but those internal floods are generally easier to get under control and clean up from.

Flooding emanating from the outdoors can be more challenging. When it comes to flooding from Mother Nature, we are no strangers to flash floods, river flooding and rising waters from the many creeks around the area. Houston is notorious for flooding in Texas, which means as their neighbor, it is crucial we are all prepared.

Start preparing yourself by checking where your property is in the area of flood zones. This will help improve your understanding of your specific risks in order to be the most prepared.

Get to know your yard as well. If after a heavy rain things are wet and soggy or you are in a lower area, additional drainage can help prevent water from piling up and seeping into your house.

If you have a lot of trees near your home or in your community, keep a close eye on your gutters. Adding covers could be a good way to prevent blockages and keep water off your roof. Checking your roof periodically is another way to keep rain moving, which is particularly important in our notoriously windy spring seasons.

Prepare to Prevent

The more you can get to know your area and how it reacts when rain or floods occur, the more you can do to stay safe—which is why this is such an important first step to take. There are other things you can do to ensure your home is ready for anything too. Some basic home maintenance can go a long way in making sure you are ready for any kind of flooding that comes your way.

Start with yard work. Make sure there is a gentle slope in your yard that will encourage rain to flow quickly away. If there is a place in your yard that likes to hold water, consider adding a garden or other organic material. This can help pull water underground.

Extending your gutter downspouts is another great way to prevent ponding. Take them underground for an extra layer of protection, especially when bodies of water start to rise.

Inside your house, take care of your windows and doors. Each fall and spring, check their seals and update caulking that has worn out. If you have a basement, make sure there are no visible cracks or gaps in the foundation. Check the corners on a sunny day to ensure you can’t see any light seeping through. Have it professionally sealed when you do spot problems. A sump pump is another great upgrade that will help prevent flooding.

Going back to the basics will always be the easiest and most effective way to be prepared for the possibility of flooding. Add flood safety steps to your regular routines so you can stress a little less the next time a heavy rain moves in. It will be much easier than helping your kids with math.

Do you have water damage in your home? Contact us at SERVPRO® for fast recovery.

Spring Storms Can Be Alarming | SERVPRO of Westfield

3/1/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pouring down on an outdoor metal roof in a storm Let SERVPRO of Westfield help you get from April showers to May flowers.

Spring has finally come around again, and with it the warmer temperatures and greener grass. The spring season can also come with some strong storms, including heavy thunderstorms, tornadoes and even early-season tropical systems.

As spring continues and the weather gets warmer, storms can become more and more severe. That combined with the start of hurricane season for our coastal neighbors means that we need to be prepared for anything.

Receiving weather alerts and staying informed ahead of situations is the best first step you can take in preparing your family and keeping everyone safe.

The Power of the Internet

None of us are ever far away from a phone or other screen, which makes them one of the best options for receiving weather alerts. You can receive Wireless Emergency Alerts that will happen automatically for a number of situations, and you can choose from a large number of apps as well.

As you look through apps to download, make sure you stick with trusted sources. Choose nationally recognized organizations, or go with a local news source. Many news stations offer their own apps, which can alert you to not only weather situations, but other local events as well. Make sure you sign up for the city notifications, too.

When an event is predicted, keep a close eye on the news. Watch the forecasts, and listen for potential evacuation orders and shelters opening so you know how to react as the situation continues.

Non-Electronic Options

It isn’t uncommon for even a small storm to knock out power long-term, which makes it important to have a backup source for receiving weather alerts. While we love staying connected with our devices, non-electronic options can ensure your safety when there is no way to recharge a battery.

If your home is near town sirens, get used to what they sound like so that you can safely shelter as needed. Consider investing in a weather radio as well. NOAA weather radios are portable and self-powered through a hand-crank or solar-power. These can run long-term regardless of electricity and can go with you when you need shelter or if you head out to check on your home in between storms.

When you are able to receive timely notification you can seek shelter and protect your life, but it may not stop damage from occurring to your home. If a storm rolls through town and leaves behind damage, call us. We are available around the clock to get things put back together fast so you can get back to normal.

Serious storms can cause serious property damage. Call SERVPRO® 247 for immediate restoration assistance.

Home Damage and How It Happens | SERVPRO of Westfield

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

residential home with roof destroyed and debris falling down If you discover damage in your residence, call SERVPRO of Westfield right away.

Have you ever sat down and thought about the ways in which your home can be damaged? There are a lot of things that could happen, from severe weather to a fire. Even just a broken window from the neighborhood ball game that got out of control could have you calling your insurance company and facing a renovation.

There may be a lot of risks we face, but that doesn’t mean we should spend our days worrying about them. Instead, we should get ourselves and our homes prepared for them so that we know even the most unpredictable storm won’t leave us with extreme losses.

In order to be prepared for the damages our homes might end up with, we first need to understand them. The more we get to know what risks we have, the more we can also understand how easy recovering from them can be. With SERVPRO of Westfield right around the corner, recovery after a disaster won’t only be easy, but it will be fast.

The Biggest Risks

Texas weather can be pretty volatile year-round. The warm months bring us hurricane season, which can still affect us in Westfield and the surrounding areas even though we are some distance from the coast. We also have to contend with the possibility of tornadoes, along with strong thunderstorms, flooding and strong winds.

While the threats are many, there are three main ways every home can be damaged that preparation efforts can be focused on. Water, fire and roof damage are common risks across the nation.

All three of these risks can happen in a number of ways. Your roof is at risk from high winds, intense rainfall or seemingly random occurrences like a limb falling out of a tree. Water can damage your home during a flood or from a plumbing failure. While the risk of wildfires is not non-existent in Texas, most fires come from internal sources and are due to human error.

Compounding Damages

Dealing with a disaster is a lot, but when you start to clearly see the amount of damage that has been left behind, you can quickly feel like it is too much to handle. Natural disasters rarely only leave behind one kind of damage, and even if they do, that damage will begin to compound as time progresses.

A flash flood will soak everything that happens to be in its route, but it also creates the perfect environment for mold to grow and spread quickly towards the foundation of your home. Fires don’t just burn anything near the flames—they also spread smoke and soot throughout your entire house. The effort to put the fire out can create damage from water or chemicals as well.

No matter where your damage came from, your restoration process will likely take several steps to complete. SERVPRO® is trained for a number of scenarios, which means we can handle anything your recovery requires. We have the equipment for water, wind, fire, mold and even construction repairs, and there isn’t a situation we haven’t seen.

If a flood overtakes your basement or your roof develops a leak during a heavy rain, our first goal will be to dry everything as fast as possible. As the recovery process proceeds, we will also take steps to make sure your home is stable—which could mean replacing roof beams or parts of your foundation. Before we are finished, we will sanitize and remove odors throughout your entire home, making sure everything is well sealed in order to prevent future mold growth.

When a fire strikes, we will again approach your recovery step by step, starting with the most damaged areas. Our team will remove anything that cannot be recovered and ensure your home is structurally sound. Fire restoration is a whole home process, even if the flames were small. We will assess every single room to ensure no lingering odors, smoke or soot damage are left behind. If part of your home was damaged beyond repair, we can rebuild it so that everything is just like new.

SERVPRO works directly with your insurance company and will handle any additional contractors that are required throughout your restoration. That means with one phone call you are done—we cover everything else for you.

Does your home need restoration and you don’t want to make more than one call? Contact us to get everything handled by one team.

When Winter Weather Strikes | SERVPRO of Westfield

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

residential driveway covered in ice with icicles hanging down from the vehicle parked there The winter season is almost upon us! SERVPRO of Westfield has your back with these helpful tips.

Winter in Texas, while typically pretty mild, can always pack a few surprises. Our normal, warmer-than-most temperatures and rain showers can still give way to freezing cold and ice—sometimes in the same week.

No matter what kind of weather the season brings, the more you prepare, the safer you will stay. When you are ready, you can get through any winter storm and get back to regular life in no time.

Preparing Your Home

When a storm is predicted to hit, it is important to get your supplies prepared ahead of time so that you can stay off the roads when it does arrive. Heavy, cold rains, potential ice and a few flurries can create very dangerous driving situations, especially when we see so little of it in our communities.

If you have hurricane or storm supplies, this is a good time to get them out and make sure they are working well. Winter storms can take the power out quickly, so a a weather radio and other emergency supplies are crucial for staying safe.

Make sure your kit has plenty of batteries, flashlights and basic first-aid supplies. If you have a generator, make sure you have the proper kind of fuel and can follow all safety guidelines when firing it up. Gather blankets, sleeping bags and warm clothes to bundle everyone until things warm up again.

If things stay cold long-term, you may need an alternate place to stay. Check with your family and friends about their emergency plans, and create an evacuation plan that will best serve your loved ones. Watch for warming stations to open throughout town as well for another way to get warmed up during the cold.

Taking Care of Your Home After the Storm

Once the storm has made its way through town and it is safe to move outdoors, inspect your home for potential damage. Even if you don’t see anything on the first look, there are a couple of things you should do to make sure your home is safe.

Start with your roof, checking for wind damage or potential debris build-up. Take caution if there is ice that hasn’t melted yet, but make sure your gutters are clear so that water has a route off of your roof when it does. Remove leaves and limbs, and fix any shutters that may have been displaced during the storm.

Walk around the exterior of your home once you know your roof is in good shape. Check the rest of your gutter system to make sure nothing has come disconnected and your downspouts are clear. Take a look at your heating unit and clear any debris around it as well, and make sure vents around your home aren’t blocked. You need to ensure that carbon monoxide isn’t allowed to build up inside your house.

How We Can Help

If you find damage has been done when you inspect your home, call us right away. We are available 247 to take your call, and we will get a team headed to your property as soon as we can safely do so. They will complete a total assessment of your house and walk you through every step of the needed restoration process.

We want to get your house feeling like home again so that you can enjoy the rare cold weather—or hide out safely inside until it warms up again.

Our team is always ready for anything! Contact us at SERVPRO of Westfield for a quick restoration after suffering damage from a winter storm.

Your Storm Preparedness Guide | SERVPRO of Westfield

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

Empty parking lot with lots of greenery shown during a heavy downpour of rain. Have you been impacted by the unusual summer storm season? SERVPRO of Westfield has your back when you experience flood and water damage.

There’s no doubt about it: It’s hot out there! During the middle of summer, we are all too familiar with heat and humidity. And that heat and humidity is the perfect recipe for storms that pack a powerful punch.

That means it’s important to make sure your house and your property are protected against storm damage this time of year. Wondering where to begin your preparations? Keep reading!

Getting Prepped for the Season

When it comes to storm preparation, you may know more about the topic that you realize! Many steps for protecting your house can be easily incorporated into your daily routines—and they may actually already be a part of your regular to-do lists.

Consider your lawn routine. When you’re taking care of your yard and landscaping, you probably take a regular look at the trees. Make sure you’re trimming the trees regularly, cutting down branches that are dead or dying. When a storm pops through, it can turn those branches into projectiles quickly and easily.

You probably also inspect your house fairly often, too. When you’re performing home maintenance, say a seasonal check of the HVAC unit, make the time to check the outside of your home for places that water could leak indoors, like gaps around the windows or missing shingles on the roof.

And finally, give a close eye to the objects hanging around outside your house. You probably have a trash can out there and maybe some patio furniture. All objects that stay outside need to be strapped down or otherwise secured in some way.

Upgrading Your Home’s Defenses

While the storm prevention strategies listed above can be done without spending extra money, you can also make some home upgrades that may give you extra peace of mind during a storm.

For one, if you have a modular building on your property, like a shed or similar structure, invest in hefty tie-downs to keep it adhered to the ground even in strong winds.

If you have many trees on your property or some that are close to your roofline, consider adding gutter guards to your gutters. These guards can keep leaves, branches and other debris out of your gutters, so that water flows effectively through them and to the ground.

Consider fortifying your windows against the wind by adding storm shutters or by upgrading your windows altogether. Every little bit of added protection can make a difference.

SERVPRO of Westfield is available 247 to effectively restore your property in the event of storm damage. We’re here when you need us!

When Storm Damage Hits Your Home | SERVPRO of Westfield

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

Dramatic night shot of a home with visible roof damage from a recently storm and fallen debris Summer storms affecting your property? Call SERVPRO of Westfield to restore your space in no time!

Severe storms can be unpredictable. Even when you have time to prepare for one, it can come in faster and stronger than predicted and leave behind more damage than you ever thought possible.

Texas weather brings plenty of severe threats, especially when the temperature begins to rise in the spring and the summer. Severe thunderstorms, flooding rain and even the remnants of coastal storms have affected Westfield and the surrounding neighborhoods.

We know that our warm climate means being prepared for severe weather in order to mitigate as much damage as possible, but it is also crucial to understand how to respond when storm damage hits your home in order to make your recovery process as smooth as possible.

Immediately After the Storm

In the moments just after a storm has hit, it is important to continue to stay aware of lingering threats such as lightning, heavy rain or hail. You also need to be prepared for the potential of more severe weather. Keep a weather radio handy, and make sure you can safely get back to your shelter if another warning is issued.

As things continue to quiet down, spend some time reaching out to those you love to ensure their safety and let them know of your own. If cell service isn’t available, texting may still work. If you can safely leave your shelter, go and check on those around you.

Don’t go into buildings that have been damaged, but instead clear out any debris you can for people to safely exit damaged buildings. Clear debris out of the road as you are able as well in order to allow for emergency personnel to safely navigate their way in.

Once you have ensured that everyone around you is safe, begin documenting your personal damage and call SERVPRO of Westfield. Not only are we locally owned and operated right around the corner from you, but we are available day and night so we can start your recovery right away.

As More Time Passes

As time clears and the dust begins to settle, the depth of the work required will become clear. Don’t let your guard down, though. Stay vigilant of your surroundings as you watch for nails, loose boards and additional severe weather. Wear protective clothing and keep something that can alert you of weather warnings nearby.

Start taking steps to prevent any additional damage, including sealing up your home from the elements. This will be our team’s first priority when they reach your property. We can tarp your roof or seal broken windows, as well as remove any standing water and start drying out anything that may have gotten wet. We will make it our goal to save as much of your property as possible.

At SERVPRO®, we work directly with your insurance company so that your claim process is as smooth as the rest of your recovery. As the full extent of what has happened to your home becomes evident, you may need to seek a temporary place to stay while work proceeds.

Throughout the whole process, the calmer you can stay, the easier things will be. This is challenging, as living through a storm is scary and seeing your home damaged can be utterly devastating. But with a team of professionals working at your home around the clock, you can rest assured that life will be as it should be in no time.

If a storm leaves your home damaged, contact us for fast recovery. We’re here 247 when you need us.

The Risks Associated With Severe Winds | SERVPRO® of Westfield

6/5/2023 (Permalink)

img src =”storm” alt = "dense forest area with trees bending due to intense wind and rain ” > If you've suffered from storm-related damage to your home or business, make SERVPRO of Westfield your first call.

When you’re sweltering in the heat, a gentle breeze can be a saving grace. But at times, a gust of wind can catch you by surprise, and it’s not always pleasant.

Wind can be a source of immense relief or a major hazard, and it’s impossible to predict when it might come and create chaos. Knowing what to expect is the smartest way to protect yourself and your home from devastation.

Make sure you’re aware of the threats that severe winds pose, and learn how to protect your Westfield home when the wind starts to get wild.

The Different Kinds of Wind

The NOAA indicates that nearly half of all severe wind emergencies occur during thunderstorms. This makes it essential to prepare for such occurrences, particularly in the upcoming months.

Thunderstorms can generate dangerous winds of up to 60 miles per hour. These conditions are powerful enough to easily pick up and hurl heavy debris around.

Straight-line winds are one type of wind that you might encounter during thunderstorms. These winds can travel at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour and wreak havoc in any region, even in places that don’t receive rainfall.

Of course, you can’t talk about severe winds without mentioning tornadoes! Tornadoes can generate a multitude of hazardous winds, including straight-line winds, downdrafts, and micro- and macro-bursts.

Because Westfield is located in Tornado Alley, tornadoes are highly prevalent. Tornadoes are a dangerous natural catastrophe for our area due to their regularity, causing major damage and endangering homes and businesses.

Wind Damage and Prevention

Extreme winds can cause trees to topple, debris to fly, and power lines to come down. Incredibly, winds of up to 80 miles per hour can even uproot a stationary mobile home or rip residential roofs off!

To stay in the loop during severe wind events, have a way to receive weather alerts and make sure you know how to interpret them. It’s also advisable to secure any outdoor furniture to prevent it from being carried away by strong winds.

Eliminate any trees or overhanging branches that might pose a hazard to your property and roof. Clean up any outdoor debris that may be sitting around your home to avoid giving strong winds ammunition to harm your home.

When high winds have blown over your house, inspect it thoroughly to make sure you don’t miss any damage. Start by climbing up on your roof to look for any wear and tear to prevent future water damage. If you’re left with ruins after a severe wind event, reach out to SERVPRO and we’ll restore your losses.

Has your home been damaged by wind? Call us and get things cleaned up fast.

Protect Your Property in Time for Spring | SERVPRO® of Westfield

3/14/2023 (Permalink)

dark stormy clouds forming into a spring storm SERVPRO of Westfield team is always here for you, if you experience any storm damage call us right away.

Spring is almost here, and we can’t wait to get out and take in the warm weather. Before you begin planning your springtime festivities, though, make sure your home is ready for weather threats such as rainstorms, high winds and other disasters that could cause water damage.

When making your spring-cleaning list, don’t forget to include these important maintenance tasks that will protect the inside and outside of your Westfield home. Here’s a quick overview of which areas of your property require the most attention before the spring showers begin to fall:

Clean It Out

As winter slowly fades away, you should inspect a few areas that may have accumulated debris. Wind, snow, rain and ice can all cause an abundance of debris to clog your home’s gutters.

Check to make sure your gutters and downspouts are clear of debris to give excess water a way to flow freely. While you’re at it, check the vents around your property for clogs as well, as debris can easily accumulate over time.

As you look around, inspect your outdoor faucets for leakage or fractures. These red flags point toward pipes that froze up over the winter. Fix these ahead of the spring thaw to avoid a chaotic water emergency.

Fix Issues Fast

We spend a lot of time inside during the winter to avoid the chilly outdoor temperatures. This can cause you to miss crucial problems hiding up on your roof or outside your home.

We may not have had snow this year, but Westfield experiences strong winds in the winter and even stronger winds in the spring. Before spring blows in, inspect your roof for any broken shingles, damaged gutters or other indicators of wear and tear.

A faulty roof can cause major problems in the spring, leaving your home vulnerable to issues such as water damage. The quicker you are to repair these problems, the safer your home will be in the long run.

Get Ready for the Water

If you have a basement or foundation flood in the spring, a sump pump can be a lifesaver. Check that your sump pump is working properly to keep your home safe in the event of an unexpected water emergency.

Preparing ahead of time for severe spring weather is a smart idea as well. Plan ahead by replenishing your emergency kit, making any needed updates to your family’s storm safety plan and ensure you have multiple ways to stay weather-aware.

Water damage can strike at the worst moments, which is why our SERVPRO squad works around the clock! We operate 247 and can be at the scene of your Westfield disaster as soon as possible. We’ll work rapidly to restore your losses and return your home to its pre-disaster condition.

Got water damage? We are here to help 247 and can restore your home quickly.

Get Ready for Winter in Westfield | SERVPRO® of Westfield

12/12/2022 (Permalink)

"side by side view of a hot and cold thermometer " If you experience damage due to a winter storm, call SERVPRO of Westfield. We have the experience and equipment for any issue.

This year, winter makes its official arrival on Dec. 21, and based on where you fall on the map, this chilly time of year can look very different. While some areas are visited by winter without realizing it since the only change is a slight temperature drop, other places, like Westfield, experience an unpredictable season.

Winter creates a distinct variety of hazards that are capable of wreaking havoc on your home and ruining the winter experience for your family.

Thankfully, as long as you are aware of the many threats winter could pose, you can effectively protect your property and the people you love this year.

Winter Around the Nation

Freezing, damp, mild and chilly are a few terms used to describe winter weather, and depending on where you live, the words you use could be pretty different.

For places in the Midwest and East Coast, winter temperatures plummet to record lows, and severe snowfall is expected for most of the season. On the West Coast, temperatures are usually cool and rainfall is a much bigger concern than a blizzard.

Even though these forecasts will vary somewhat depending on the area, it is smart to prepare for the unexpected to keep damage to a minimum.

Winter Around Westfield

Winter in Westfield can certainly be a mixed bag. While some seasons are moderate with only a minor shift in temperature, others hit us with powerful snow and ice storms that cause widespread power outages in our area.

This year’s winter season is expected to be similarly chilly to last year’s, but fortunately, it shouldn’t be any worse. No matter what winter decides to throw our way this year, it’s best to prepare for the unexpected.

Get Prepared

A great way to get started when preparing for whatever winter has in store is by learning about the various types of winter storms. After this, you should ensure you have two or more ways to receive local weather reports.

One of these sources should be accessible without power so that if a winter storm strikes Westfield unexpectedly and the power grid falters, you can keep informed!

Additionally, an emergency kit could be a lifesaver if winter weather hits hard this season. Make sure to pack your kit full of essentials and include any items you might need to endure the cold.

Regardless of how frigid it gets this winter, weatherproofing your windows and doors is an important task that can prevent a water damage emergency and save you some money on your electric bills.

When it comes to winterizing your home, taking care of any roof damage, removing any overhanging branches, caulking any gaps around your windows and doors and insulating your attic can make all the difference.

Make sure to stay warm and enjoy the beauty of winter this season inside a safe, prepared home. Take measures to secure your property and give SERVPRO a call if winter weather causes you any trouble. We can rapidly restore your winter-related damage and get you back home in no time.

If you experience damage in a winter storm, call us. We have the experience and equipment to get your home back to normal.

The Fire Hazard Created by Lightning | SERVPRO® of Westfield

10/20/2022 (Permalink)

multiple lightning strikes off in distance of dark purple night sky If you are dealing with smoke or fire damage from a recent fire, call SERVPRO of Westfield to learn about a restoration solution for your issue.

House fires are devastating, but thankfully, most of them are preventable because they’re related to manmade causes. But while house fires are typically manmade, there are also natural threats that could damage your home—and they’re less preventable.

In 2020 alone, there were over 70,000 damage claims brought on by lightning strikes. Since personal lightning strikes are a rather uncommon occurrence, you don’t need to worry too much about getting hit, but your house is considerably more susceptible. When lightning strikes, it’s capable of destroying trees, blowing out your power and even starting fires.

About 6,000 lightning strikes are thought to occur every minute. We should all be prepared to defend our properties and ourselves before a storm approaches because no one is entirely safe from lightning’s impact.

What Is Lightning?

Lightning is a huge bolt of electrical current that occurs between clouds in the air and the ground. Lightning is known to strike during thunderstorms, but it can also happen during a volcanic eruption, severe wildfires or even a major snowstorm.

We typically relate lightning to extreme weather, but it can strike even when the sky is clear and the air is calm. “Dry lightning” happens in the absence of rain and is a common cause of raging wildfires. As we prepare for storms, we also need to consider the possibility of fires.

Protecting Your Home From Lightning Fires

Lightning can substantially damage your home, especially if it sparks a fire. Fires can spark from either the heat of the strike or the electrical charge created by the strike.

It’s possible that a fire that results from a strike won’t be instantly obvious as it will usually ignite between your walls or up in your attic. But you are likely to hear the lightning strike, which will sound like an explosive boom. Inspect for burning after the strike, and notify the fire department as soon as you spot black stains or smell smoke.

A lighting rod is a helpful tool that can keep lightning from sparking flames. Installing a lighting rod could help direct the heat and energy of a strike away from your home and straight down into the ground.

When Lightning Strikes Nearby

Lighting is a leading cause of wildfires and other fires that spark outdoors. Your risk of lightning fires is influenced by both where you live and the season, but close to 9,000 fires are created by lightning strikes every year.

Maintain a tidy yard clear of dead or dying plants, and think about utilizing defensible zones to shelter your house from flames. Your home should also include smoke detectors on every floor and in every bedroom so you can be aware of any flames that start.

If you’re facing the aftermath of a fire, our SERVPRO team can take care of the damage. With years of experience and the use of innovative techniques, we strive to make stressful situations like this quick and painless. We will keep you updated every step of the way as we restore your home to its pre-fire state.

Have you experienced smoke or fire damage in your home? Call us today to get the restoration finished fast.

3 Ways Storms Can Damage Your Home | SERVPRO® of Westfield

8/18/2022 (Permalink)

a large lightning strike off in the distance of a dark sky When you suffer storm-related damage to your home or business, make SERVPRO of Westfield your first call.

Hazardous storms frequently cause major concerns for homeowners. While most current homes are constructed to take on these severe threats, most every home or property will experience some type of damage when severe weather rolls through town.

Depending on the time of year and the type of storm, strong winds and wind-related calamities can create lightning, flash floods, cold rain and snowstorms, which all present a serious risk to your property and the structure of your home.

Based on the kinds of storms and events taking place, various sorts of damage could affect your home. The surrounding terrain of your property, the region’s geography and the quality of your home’s base or construction materials are just a few of the many variables that affect how much damage could occur. (We’ll admit, there is also a component of chance.)

While being aware of the various weather dangers that could arise is beneficial, understanding the potential effects on our particular area is far more crucial. Your Westfield home is vulnerable to weather such as severe thunderstorms, floods and hurricanes.

Living in a storm-damaged home is never recommended unless safety experts give their approval. Various kinds of damage will be apparent straight away, but other kinds may not be visible to the naked eye.

To help you better plan for them, let’s explore the three primary forms of storm damage:


When violent wind gusts that blow at absurdly high speeds strike buildings, wind damage can occur. The most frequent cause of strong winds is tornadoes and hurricanes, although even thunderstorms can generate gusts of up to 100 mph.

Debris scattered throughout your yard may be lifted by strong winds and tossed into your home or cars. You must remain indoors during storms and stay away from any windows and exterior walls in case glass breaks or the walls are pierced by flying debris.

You can also take precautions ahead of the storm to reduce the amount of wind-related damage. Reduce the amount of material a storm has to work with by keeping your property free of any limbs, big rocks, loose furniture and dead trees.


Water damage is a very frequent occurrence both during and following a storm. Even a small storm can produce rain showers that cause water to collect around your home and then seep inside through the seals on your doors and windows.

If there is enough water present, it may potentially seep into your foundation and severely damage its structural integrity.

Consider using creative landscaping methods that send water away from your home instead of amassing next to it to reduce the amount of damage that water may do to your property. Alternately, you may put in a rain garden, which is a smart way to brighten your yard and keep all that rainwater from becoming a major issue.

For your gutters to function as intended and keep the weight of water off your roof, you should regularly clean them out. Water can gather in clogged gutters and make its way into your house from the top, seeping down to the bottom.


Another typical form of storm damage that can have disastrous effects on your home is “impact damage.” Strong winds can cause trees to fall or debris to be blown into your property, causing significant harm. In essence, this type of damage encompasses anything that hits (or impacts) your home or other items on your property.

Trimming branches near your property and making sure any dead trees are cleared are the best ways to prevent this kind of catastrophe from happening.

Weather-related catastrophes cost more than $145 billion in destruction in the United States alone in 2021. By preventing these common disasters before they start, these techniques can help you safeguard your home and save you a ton of time and money.

Give SERVPRO of Westfield a call if your home is impacted by the hazards of a severe storm. Our restoration specialists are prepared to handle any size damage with cutting-edge technology and years of expertise.

When you suffer storm-related damage to your home or business, it’s important that you know who to call! Contact us today to get your storm damage restoration started faster.

Combat Storms With These Steps | SERVPRO® of Westfield

6/16/2022 (Permalink)

"a dark cloudy sky with lighting strikes off in the distance"   If you discover storm damage to your home or business, reach out to SERVPRO of Westfield right away.

Severe weather is a scary issue to confront as a homeowner. In the United States, there are approximately 100,000 thunderstorms each year. This means it’s likely you will encounter severe storms a few times in your time as a homeowner. In Westfield, they are likely to occur 60 days out of the year!

Westfield can expect the most severe storms to occurring between May and October, so they’re straight-ahead. These strong storms are accompanied by flooding, hail storms, heavy rain and occasional tornadoes. This type of extreme weather is known for wreaking havoc on homes and the people caught in its path.

The unfortunate truth is there’s nothing we can do to prevent severe weather, but we can take steps to prepare for the impact. That might include putting together an emergency kit, a communications strategy and a plan for the aftermath.

No doubt, preparing for these things will at least give you a better shot at reducing their impact on you and your home.

Your Severe Weather Communication Strategy

When the weather turns bad, keeping in touch with your family and being able to receive communications from authorities is crucial. You should have multiple ways to receive alerts from officials, including a cell phone and an NOAA weather radio.

In addition, you should recognize the difference between warnings and watches so you know when to seek shelter as quickly as possible.

You also need to work on a communication strategy for your household. Include important items like where to go when the weather turns bad (perhaps a basement or bathroom). Moreover, plan for communication in case one or more household members are away from home during a storm so each person knows when and how to check in.

Your Severe Weather Emergency Kit

Take the time to put together an emergency kit that holds all your essentials. Include food, water and first-aid supplies, preparing for at least three days of sheltering in place.

That way you will not have to worry about having enough necessities to last until authorities rescue you. Keep the kit stored in your at-home storm shelter area.

Your Severe Weather Aftermath Checklist

Here are the steps you want to take after the storm: Evaluate your storm safety plan and figure out which areas could be improved for the next time severe weather happens. Ask for everyone in the household’s input on each element.

Next, once it is safe to do so, go around your property and look for any damage. You may notice water damage in vulnerable areas like your roof or window and door seals.

If there is damage, don’t fret! SERVPRO of Westfield is available 247 to meet all your restoration needs. We provide a quick response to save as much of your home as possible.

If you discover storm damage to your home or business, you can count on SERVPRO to handle the restoration. We’re here 247 to spring into action—get in touch with us today.

Can You Identify the 3 Types of Floods and Their Causes? | SERVPRO® of Westfield

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

"a street completely submerged in water with a flood warning sign sitting in roadway"  Regardless of the cause of the flooding, SERVPRO of Westfield has the team to help you recover from any disastrous event.

Flooding is the most common natural disaster, and it claims more lives in the United States per year than hurricanes, tornadoes or lightning. It can affect everything from individual homes whose property collects excess water to wide swaths of communities and cities.

Flooding affects all 50 states and every U.S territory, but there are similarities in types and causality among all them. There are three common types of flooding, and they happen for four typical reasons.

3 Types of Natural Flooding

Flash floods are common, and they happen when heavy rain passes or sits over an area and overwhelms the ability of the ground to contain the moisture. Excess water runs off and takes garbage cans, cars and more with it.

River floods are exactly what they sound like. When there’s too much water for a river’s banks to hold, the water spills over the sides and causes destruction.

Coastal floods happen in areas next to large bodies of water, when storm surges or cyclonic activity causes ocean or gulf levels to rise to flood levels.

The 4 Most Common Causes of Natural Flooding

Heavy rainfall. Storms with excessive rainfall, or storms that sit and rest over an area for an extended period can cause flash floods or river flooding. Urban areas are more at risk for rain floods, because the higher percentage of concrete and asphalt means there’s a lack of soil to soak up all that water. In Harris County, a stormwater detention basin in underway to mitigate the risk of sever flooding. Phase 1 was completed in April 2021, and it was designed to hold approximately 217 million gallons of water.

Oceanic activity. Storm surges, hurricanes and rising tides can cause water levels to rise in waves, which can invade coastal communities and wreak havoc.

Dams and levees failing. The most notable example of this in recent history would be the disastrous levee breaks during 2005’s Hurricane Katrina. Levees and dams fail when cracks occur or excess pressure overtakes the dam’s ability to contain the surge of water behind it.

Snowmelts and ice dams. In areas of the country where heavy snow and prolonged freezing temperatures are common, snow and ice can build up over a winter’s time, and when they start to melt, they cause rivers of water to flow through area communities. Ice dams or ice jams happen when rivers become blocked by built-up ice being carried downstream, causing the banks to overflow.

Regardless of the cause of the flooding, SERVPRO has the tools and teams to help your home or business recover from its disastrous effects. Contact us anytime when flooding or water damage makes a mess in your life.

Spring Storms and Weather Hazards | SERVPRO® of Westfield

3/4/2022 (Permalink)

"an image with a cloudy, rainy, sunny and snowy sky"  Extreme temperature changes can lead to the possibility of severe weather. SERVPRO of Westfield is a click away if you experience any damage.

The United State is one of the world’s biggest countries. As a byproduct, seasonal weather varies significantly throughout the nation—different sections of the country encounter a range of weather patterns, resulting in a range of seasonal weather threats.

As spring arrives and warm and cold air masses meet throughout the nation, let’s examine the several weather patterns that might develop across the country, as well as what we can expect in Texas.

In the spring, the Pacific Northwest is prone to heavy rain, which may result in floods and water damage. At higher altitudes, snow will continue to build, and its melting and runoff will generate its own issues.

Wintertime is most severe in the Upper Midwest and Northeast, where low temperatures will remain throughout the season. Residents from Maine to the Dakotas should anticipate very cold conditions, as well as the threat of snow and freezing, even into the spring season.

The Southwest, in particular, will need to be vigilant for extreme heat waves that may endanger lives and property. The South Pacific region, which includes Hawaii, will be on high alert for tsunamis caused by tectonic activity.

Windstorms, derechos and the potential of wildfires, which spread quickly in high winds and dry seasons, will be a worry for the central United States, from Iowa to Texas. Tornado Alley is a portion of this area where strong storms and tornadoes are common.

Texas is consistently named among the top 10 states most impacted by severe weather events. In 2020, the state was impacted by 11 billion-dollar catastrophes. Drought, high heat and wildfires were the three most significant occurrences.

Finally, the Southeast, may see a variety of extreme weather events, ranging from tornadoes and severe thunderstorms in landlocked states to hazardous rip currents and early-season hurricanes later in the spring.

Extreme weather is a legitimate threat regardless of where you live in the United States. Your threat might differ to that of an acquaintance in another state, but it’s never a bad idea to be prepared.

If extreme weather leaves you with damage from water, fire or other elements, help is a click away. Contact SERVPRO for fast, expert recovery.

Is Floodwater a Biohazard?

2/17/2022 (Permalink)

Flood damage in Spring can Bring Contaminated Waters into a Home, but SERVPRO can Mitigate the Problem Safely

Cities close to sea level can experience flooding any time of the year. With the sea rise level increasing annually, storms and flooding occur more often and are more intense. Floodwaters create a biohazardous situation that requires professional intervention. 

What Creates A Biohazard Incidence?

When a home experiences flood damage in Spring, it brings contaminated water into the building. These waters are teeming with microbes, and it is vital to understand the dangers. Microbes are living organisms that can pollute our air and water. SERVPRO deals with three main types:

  • Fungi – Multicell organism that digests materials to get the nutrients they need. Mold is a type of fungi.
  • Bacteria– Like fungi, bacteria absorb surrounding material to get nutrients but are single-cell organisms.
  • Viruses– Simple microbes that grow, multiply, and cause disease in living things.

While microbes are vital to the ecosystem, they can become a threat under certain conditions. Floodwaters are the perfect environment for a biohazard threat involving microbes. Homeowners should never attempt to clean up contaminated water on their own. 

SERVPRO of Westfield has trained, certified biohazard technicians who have the experience and the proper equipment to mitigate flood damage in Los Angeles. Call us today at (281) 907-0018 for more information.

Storm Damage To Your Home in Ways You May Not Consider

2/17/2022 (Permalink)

One of the reasons why prompt storm damage remediation is so critical is because a storm may damage your home in ways that aren't always obvious. A SERVPRO professional can help you identify and solve any storm damage to the structural portions and other inner workings of your home.

Discover some of the ways a storm could damage your home's structural integrity. Let's get into it!

Roof Damage

  • Your roof can have obvious structural damage if a tree falls on it. However, that's not the only way that a storm could damage the structure of your roof. For example, large tree branches that fall on the roof can also cause damage even though they don't cause an evident cave-in.

Foundation Damage

  • One type of storm damage that can affect your foundation is flooding. Another is erosion. Localized flooding can increase the pressure of water against your foundation wall, which could result in cracks, shifting, sinking, and bowed foundation walls.

Interior Water Damage

  • Whether it enters through a broken window or a roof leak or rises up from the ground, water can be one of the biggest forces of storm damage. Although water may not destroy literally everything it touches, it can come close. Water can cause structural failure in commonly used building materials in your walls, ceilings, and floors.

Pest Damage

  • Although storms don't actually create pests, they can send wildlife looking for places to shelter and can sometimes create damage that allows pests into your home. While most pests are just a nuisance (and sometimes a potential health and safety hazard), some can actually affect your home's structure as well. Prompt storm damage repair can reduce the chances of picking up any of these pests due to storm damage.

As you can see, your home's structure is susceptible to many other types of damage than just large falling objects. For more information on storm damage, how you can prevent storm damage, and what to do if you suspect your home has sustained damage from a recent storm, get in touch with SERVPRO of Westfield today. 

Restoring Your Belongings after Storm Damage

6/11/2021 (Permalink)

Storm Damage Storms threaten our peace of mind and our homes. Click here to learn about how SERVPRO® of Westfield can restore your belongings after a storm.

For many of us home is everything. However, storms threaten our homes in more ways than one. Not only does a storm threaten your home’s structure, but the quality of your belongings and keepsakes. Our restoration services can help you save money and give you back your peace of mind by preserving your precious belongings.

Nowadays, we hold many of our memories and keepsakes digitally on our computers, phones, family videotape, and more. Please note that water-damaged electronics can present a serious hazard so do not attempt to operate any of them in the wake of water damage. Let us coordinate the restoration of your electronics for you!

First, we will clean the outside of your electronic devices to help stop any further corrosion and damage. From there, a qualified electronics technician will clean and inspect the electronic devices.

More traditionally, valuable documents like wedding certificates and photographs make our house a home. Extreme caution must be taken with items like these because they can be delicate and easy to destroy. Although some documents may not be restored to pre-water damage condition, SERVPRO® of Westfield may be able to save a great deal of them and help minimize further damage. Depending on the type of documents and the level of water damage, we have five options for the restoration process: air-drying, dehumidification, freezer drying, vacuum freeze-drying, and vacuum thermal drying.

If you have storm or water damage anywhere in your home you can count on us to help. You can contact us at any hour of the day to learn more about our services or to report damages.

Are you concerned about flood damage to your home or business? Here's Everything You Should Know

6/11/2021 (Permalink)

What To Do When A Storm Is Headed Your Way?

Running a business in Houston, TX, requires one to wear many hats, one of which is disaster prevention. When a storm is brewing on the horizon, what can you do to avoid or reduce flood damage from happening? Here’s a couple of tips to get you started:

Get to Know Your Local Area

Some locations are more susceptible to flooding than others. This may seem self-explanatory and painfully obvious but you’d be surprised at how many business owners are unaware of how their location could impact their company in the event of a natural disaster. Find out if you are in a flood prone area and plan ahead.

Plan and Prepare with the Right Equipment

There are tons of modern equipment out there that are designed to minimize the impact of flood damage on your building. When in doubt, go with the tried and tested classic: the good ol’ sand bag. If you’re feeling more adventurous, there are plenty of alternatives out there that are reusable and are easier to transport. However, be sure to do your research before you commit to a purchase. Install storm shutters that are easy and quick to secure and check your electrical equipment to ensure they will be out of reach of flood waters.

Check Your Surroundings

Perhaps the most important part of avoiding storm damage is to look outside your immediate perimeter for things that may encourage floods. This means looking at street drains and storm grates and making sure that they are free of leaves and other debris that inhibit the flow of water. This is easily overlooked in the rush of preparing for an incoming storm and can have a disastrous impact on your safety.

If the weather gets the best of you, there are flood remediation experts in your state that can get your business up and running in no time. Flood damage is no joke, but if you are well prepared you can easily reduce the impact that a storm can have on your business.

Increasing Your Home's Storm-Readiness

6/10/2021 (Permalink)

storm If you experience any property damage from storms, contact SERVPRO of Westfield.

If you’re thrilled to turn the page in February and start March with dreams of a warm spring afternoon filling your head, no one can blame you. It’s a great time to start planning new projects. For you, that might mean you want to create a vegetable garden or redo your landscaping.

Or maybe you like to spend the spring hiking or enjoying the outdoors before summer’s heat sends you back inside.

Spring is an enjoyable season, but like any season, it also brings some hazards for homeowners to manage. When it comes to this season, healthy and severe thunderstorms are always a concern.

While we don’t have the ability to make a storm take a different path around our home, we take steps to make our homes as safe and secure as possible, so they’re in good shape if a severe storm hits.

Projects to Do This Spring

Add these items to your project list this spring.

Cut and remove tree branches and limbs that need it. Limbs and branches that hang over your garage or home can be a hazard during storms. You can keep them from falling on your roof by cutting them down.

Declutter your gutters. We talk about the importance of this project every season. Keep your drains clean so that the water around your home is moving in the right direction instead of backing up and causing water damage.

Repair your roof. If you can check your roof to be sure it doesn’t have any missing shingles. Look for signs of a leak, too.

Make sure your home’s sump pump works. Not every family has one of these (or needs it), but it’s important to be sure it’s working correctly before your house goes through a rainy spring.

Don’t let items around your home become hazards. Be sure your patio furniture or other similar things don’t become tools for the wind to damage your home.

If a fire, flood, or any other cause damage to your home, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help you

Prepare for Severe Weather in Advance

6/10/2021 (Permalink)

It is difficult to know if a storm that is forecasted to move through an area will be severe enough to cause damage before it arrives. Storms—as well as the damage they cause—can vary wildly, which is why we always recommend taking an approach grounded in advanced preparation to remain as safe as possible.

By taking steps to protect your home, you can be certain that no matter what type of storm moves through your area, you are as protected as possible.

Be as Protected as Possible From Storms

Prepare your home as much as possible. Though the nature of storm damage might seem erratic, by doing some preparation work in advance to protect your property, you can ensure you are taking the right steps to mitigate any possible damages. Trimming back any dead or overhanging trees is a great start, as is securing any objects that could possibly become loose during a storm. Many homeowners also have whole-home generators installed, allowing for utility usage if your power is out.

Create a family communications plan. When your family is all at home when severe weather is forecasted to come through the area, you can move as a group to your designated sheltering area and be certain you are all safe. However, if a storm catches one or more of your family members while they are out and about, it is important to have a communications plan so you can check-in and be certain that everyone is safe.

Make sure your emergency kit is stocked. The best thing you can do to be prepared for any emergency is to have an emergency kit in your home, and storms are no exception. Your emergency kit can house everything your family might need, both during the storm and after the fact. Items like flashlights, batteries, first aid supplies, food, and water are all good to keep on hand just in case.

Consider getting a weather radio. Having cell phones has made it much easier to receive emergency weather alerts no matter where you are, but in case of severe weather, it is always good to have a backup such as a weather radio. Storms can cause power outages and even knock out cell towers, so having a weather radio that is either powered by replaceable batteries or a manual system is smart.

If your home is damaged by a storm, you can depend on us to take care of any damages. Contact us at any hour to report damage and receive a rapid response.

Protect Your Houston Home from Summer Storms

5/22/2020 (Permalink)

The gentle summer rain can be refreshing when faced with the alternative of heat and uncertainty of drought. But a gentle rain can easily turn into a thunderstorm or hurricane, which can be severe enough to cost homeowners across Houston, TX thousands of dollars in damages. The hurricane and tropical storm season occurs mostly around June 1 to November 30 in Houston, TX. Now is the perfect time to do a checkup of your home to make sure it is as protected as possible.

Checking gutters and downspouts. Gutters that are falling can cause serious damage to the foundation of your home. Properly installed gutters should carry damage away from your home’s foundation to prevent any impairment to you property.

Sump pumps. If you have a basement you may have a sump pump installed to remove excess ground water. If your system fails in the middle of a storm event, you may end up dealing with a flooded basement, which is why it is pertinent to ensure everything is working properly.

Roof. Have a professional inspect the shingle for any damage that could lead to leaks during heavy rain.

Landscaping. Regular maintenance of your yard should include trimming trees and shrubs to help minimize damage during a storm. Well pruned shrubbery is more wind resistant and less likely to cause damage to your property. Dead branches and limbs are easily transported when the winds are high. Anything outdoors that is not tied down, such as furniture, decorations, patio umbrellas, etc. should be brought inside in the events of a storm.

Generator. Weather-related outages can wreak havoc on the modern home. When electricity is lost, sump pumps stop working, food in fridges and freezers stop working, and home alarm systems are vulnerable. Having a standby generator, can keep essentials running until power is restored.

After the storm, if your home has suffered from water damage, remember SERVPRO® of Westfield is always ‘here to help.’

For further information and help on fire damage contact us

SERVPRO of Westfield

(281) 907-0018, or visit our website at

Tips to Prepare for a Thunderstorm

5/22/2020 (Permalink)

Depending on your location you may experience a lot of rain and thunderstorms. It is important to be prepared and have a plan in place. You can do this by talking with those in your household and creating an emergency plan for thunderstorms, floods, and tornadoes. Below we have a few suggestions to make sure you are ready for whatever happens.

Protect electronics. Your electronics can get fried if they are not properly protected. Plug electronics into a surge protector to avoid damage during a storm

Prepare for power outages. Have battery-operated flashlights and lanterns in easy to get to places. Check on these items from time to time to make sure the batteries still work and replace them if necessary. Call your local power company to inform them of the outage and to get information regarding when the power should be restored.

Stay away from power lines. Do not go near power lines for if they should fall to the ground, they can be very hazardous. Call 911 if you see downed power lines.

Go inside when you hear thunder. If you hear thunder, it is likely that lightning is also occurring. Lightning can be dangerous, therefore, make sure to go inside when thunder occurs.

Seek shelter. There are many different natural elements that can be harmful when outside during a disaster. Therefore, during a storm it is important to seek shelter and be safe. If you’re inside it is best to be at the lowest level of your home.

Keep an emergency kit ready. Consider putting a kit of things you may want to have on hand during a storm. Items you would include may be water, non-perishable food, flashlights, blankets extra batteries, and a first aid kit.

If an emergency does strike your home during a thunderstorm, SERVPRO of Westfield is ready to help get your life back to normal. Call us, (281) 907-0018

Roof Damage Tarping

5/20/2020 (Permalink)

When you think of a storm damaging your home, the first thing that may come to mind is your roof.  As the first line of defense to your home, your roof takes the brunt of the punishment from any storm that passes through your area.  If your roof becomes damaged due to a storm or any other reason, a professional should be contacted as soon as possible.  An assessment needs to be made and action needs to be taken.

One of the actions that may need to be addressed quickly is tarping your roof.  The professionals at SERVPRO of Westfield are able to provide you with roof tarping in the event of an emergency or as a precautionary measure.  Tarping the roof can prevent any secondary damage from occurring and can give you time to get the roof inspected and ready for repair.

In addition to roof tarping, board up services are also available.  Board ups are also helpful in securing your property and limiting any further damage.

Call SERVPRO of Westfield for your roof tarping and board up needs.

When Storms or Floods hit Houston, SERVPRO is ready!

5/14/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Westfield specializes in storm and flood damage restoration.  Our crews are highly trained and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

Faster Response

Since we are locally owned and operated, we are able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms hit Westfield, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,650 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams  that are strategically located throughout the United States.

Have Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today 281-907-0018

Winter Time Storm Preparation Tips From SERVPRO of Westfield

12/20/2018 (Permalink)

Though it’s the beginning of winter, don’t think that you’re exempt from facing a storm with potential flooding. Taking proactive steps to protect your family and property from severe storms before they hit can save lives and minimize damage to your home or business.

Severe storms including hail storms, and flooding can cause billions of dollars in damage in the United States every year. When big storms hit, many families find themselves disorganized and unprepared. When preparing for a storm, it is important to have a storm plan and make sure everyone in your home knows the plan, in case of emergency.

Having a plan increases your chances of keeping you and your family safe. If you live in an area prone to flooding, consider buying flood insurance, as flooding is typically not covered under most homeowner’s insurance policies. In order to stay safe, it is important to understand your risks and have a plan of action in place before the storm hits.

Creating Your Storm Safety Plan

The first step is to create a written disaster plan and review it with everyone in your family, or as we call it at SERVPRO® of Westfield an ERP, Emergency Response Plan. Make sure everyone knows where to go and what to do in case of an emergency. Identify an emergency meeting place, such as a park, building, or other landmark near your home. If you get separated during the storm, have everyone meet at the designated location.

It is smart to assign an out-of-state friend or relative to be your family's emergency contact person. Teach all of the adults and responsible children how to shut off utilities in your home. Shutting off gas and water mains can decrease your risk of additional damage.

When severe storms are approaching your Houston community, tune into a local TV or radio broadcast covering the storm and follow evacuation orders, if they are issued. Check your emergency supplies and make sure you have enough water for everyone in your home, typically 1 gallon of water per person, per day for at least 3 days. Fill up your bathtubs with clean water. Turn your refrigerator and freezer up to the maximum setting so your food will stay cold for as long as possible in the event of a power outage. If you have storm shutters on your windows, make sure they are closed and secured. If not you can use pre-cut plywood to cover exposed glass. To prevent damage from flying objects, bring outdoor furniture, tools, pots and toys in from outside. Secure important documents, photographs and other valuables in a waterproof and/or fireproof case.

For more information on the services that SERVPRO® of Westfield provides regarding water and storm damage cleanup for your commercial or residential structure, please visit or call:

Call SERVPRO of Westfield (281) 907-0018.


Whether Storm or Flood, SERVPRO is ready!

12/17/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Westfield specializes in storm and flood damage restoration.  Our crews are highly trained and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition. 

Faster Response

Since we are locally owned and operated, we are able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms hit Houston, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,650 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

Have Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today 281-907-0018

Houston, TX Forecast - Rain, Rain and More Rain

10/10/2018 (Permalink)

The forecast in Houston, TX calls for several heavy downpours, increasing daily. Continuous heavy rain can heighten safety concerns.

Heavy rain and flooding are considered two of the most common and widespread natural disasters in the United States.  No matter the location, there is always potential for flood damage.  In the last 5 years, via reports, all 50 states have experienced floods or flash floods.  Just because you haven't experienced a flood in the past, does not mean you won't in the future. 

Please remember these safety tips:

  • Stay away from floodwaters.  Six inches of swiftly moving water can sweep you off of your feet.
  • If you approach a flooded road while driving, turn around and go another way.  If you are caught on a flooded road and waters are rising rapidly around you, get out of the car quickly and move to higher ground.  Most cars can be swept away by less than two feet of moving water.
  • Keep children out of the water.  They can be curious and often lack judgment about running water or contaminated water.

If flood damage strikes your Houston, TX home or business, don’t hesitate to contact SERVPRO of Westfield (281) 907-0018. Even minor floods have the potential to cause major damage to a structure when not treated quickly and properly, and the cleanup is often an overwhelming task.  SERVPRO is prepared to handle any size disaster. 

Need Emergency Service? Give Us A Call 24/7, We’re Here To Help

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Highly Trained Restoration Specialists

Our SERVPRO Professionals are highly trained in property restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO's Corporate Training Facility to regular IICRC industry certifications, our Professionals are equipped with the knowledge to restore your property. The SERVPRO training program includes the follow:

  • IICRC Training
  • Employee Certification Training
  • Initial Franchise Training
  • e-Learnings
  • Continuing Education Classes

Flood Water Facts

6/25/2018 (Permalink)

Across the United States, flooding is one of the most commonly widespread weather-related disasters. Whether your home or business is near a coastline, along city streets, in the mountains, near a river or even in the desert, there is always potential for flood damage.

Though you may have never experienced a flood in the past, there’s no level of security to assure that you won't in the future.  In fact, 20% of all claims paid by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) were for policies in low-risk communities. 

According to the American Red Cross (ARC), floods cause more damage in the U.S. every year than any other weather-related disaster.  The ARC offers the following safety tips:

  • Stay away from floodwaters as much as possible.  If you approach a flowing stream where water is above your ankles, stop, turn around, and go another way.  Six inches of swiftly moving water can sweep you off of your feet.
  • If you approach a flooded road while driving, turn around and go another way.  If you are caught on a flooded road and water are rising rapidly around you, get out of the car quickly and move to higher ground.  Most cars can be swept away by less than two feet of moving water.
  • Keep children out of the water.  They are curious and often lack judgment about running water or contaminated water.

If your home or business is ever affected by a flood, contact the professionals at SERVPRO of Westfield at (281) 907-0018.  Even minor floods have the potential to cause major damage to a structure when not treated quickly and properly, and the cleanup is often an overwhelming task.  The SERVPRO system is prepared to handle any size disaster.  The sooner work begins; the sooner your home or business can return “Like it never even happened.”